Chapter 36

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Toby's POV:

There were two seats placed in front of Matthew Sr.'s desk. Michael and Matty decided to sit there (I actually forced them to) so that Terrance could sit beside me. I scooted over before patting the empty seat, letting Terrance know that it was his to take. A small grin came to his face as he took the seat gratefully before looking at the ground.

"Now, Terrance, I think you are the only one who doesn't know-" Matthew Sr. paused before looking around the room.

"Where's Stanley?" He asked instead of finishing his previous statement. Stanley had returned home two days after DiNozzo was killed. We all thanked him for his help in defeating DiNozzo before he was on the next plane to Virginia. That was approximately three weeks ago, we haven't heard from him since.

"He's with his mate, at the moment." Terrance answered. It wasn't hard to detect the hint of jealousy and sadness in his tone. I tentatively placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly. Despite that, I left my hand there.

"I guess we'll just have to explain everything to him and the pack at the pack meeting instead." Matthew Sr. mumbled to himself.

"Explain what?" I dropped my hand from Terrance's shoulder to clasp my hands together.

"Matthew here has decided to step down from his Alpha position of this pack. He wants to live with his mates in California." Matthew Sr. answered Terrance. Michael and Matthew turned to face him to calculate his emotions. Terrance's eyebrows shot up in surprise before they furrowed in confusion.

"So, who's going to run the pack?" He questioned again.

"You are. You will become Alpha while Stanley will be your Beta." Matty piped up this time.

"No!" Terrance stated firmly, shaking his head and shocking us all.

"What? What do you mean 'no?'" I asked. Why wouldn't Terrance want this position?

He sighed before standing up and running his fingers through his mane. He began pacing as he continuously ruffled his hair. His shoulders and back were tense as he thought about whatever was running through his head.

"I can't be Alpha. I won't be good at it, and I definitely don't deserve it. I mean I can't even get my own mate to give me the time of day; how will I get an entire pack to listen to me?"

"Terrance, you were already a Beta. You're just moving up the line of power. Nothing has really changed. People will still continue to listen to you like they always did." Matty tried to convince him.

"That's where you're wrong, Matthew. People never listened to me, they feared me. There's a difference. When people fear you, they'll do anything you say just to protect themselves. I don't want to be feared, anymore. I want people to listen to me because I'm a good leader, not because I'm someone that would hurt them if I can't get my way." Terrance turned to Matty with a deep frown.

I wasn't going to say anything that went against him. What he said was true. You shouldn't run a pack using fear, it was bound to make your pack crumble. The room was quiet as everyone thought over what Terrance had said.

"Hey, Ter, come sit." I called him over. He sighed before looking at me in surprise. I always called him "Ter" when we were younger, but stopped when I lost hope in the beatings ceasing. I don't blame him for being surprised. However, the surprise didn't last long. In fact, Terrance was glaring at me now.

"And you! Why are you being so fucking nice to me?" He shouted making all of us jump. Michael and Matthew growled lowly at him, but I only shook my head at them, forcing them to stop. Terrance needed to get all of it off of his chest, so I let him shout. Goddess knew how great it felt once you've said everything.

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