Chapter 6

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"I hope you enjoyed your flight and welcome to Monterey, California. Oh, and Merry Christmas Eve!" I smiled at the flight attendant before grabbing my bag and getting off of the plane. After getting through airport regulations, I took the first tentative step out to my new life. I breathed in a deep breath of fresh air, and the first thing I smelt were werewolves. There was a pack around here. Just what I needed. Note the sarcasm.

Ignoring the slightly distant smell, I hailed a cab and asked the driver to take me to the nearest bank. News would probably reach the Alpha of a new wolf crossing his territory, and he or she would most likely come find me. I had to prepare myself for that.

Once at the bank, I took the money out of my bag and started a new bank account. Since I had all of the proper documents, the transaction went easy, and the teller never questioned my motif. He handed me a new debit card which I planned to use to rent a hotel room, buy a new phone, clothes, and food.

The bank clerk and I finished our business before I headed out. I could see an SG&G phone store a couple buildings down the road and I decided to head there first. I bought a new phone and saved all the numbers I knew by heart: Mommy, Cyn, Emery, Nicholas, and Wynter; even though I didn't plan on calling anytime soon.

I then decided to go shopping, walking from building to building, and buying anything I liked. I bought at least one item from each store I entered, and by the time I was finished, I had two arms full of bags. Hailing a cab became slightly more difficult with my hands being full. Just as I was about to give up, a voice sounded behind me.

"Need some help with that?" The voice giggled. I jumped and turned around to see a tall girl standing next to an even taller guy. They were werewolves, I could smell it. My guard immediately came up as I blushed but mumbled out a pathetic "No."

I guess they didn't get the hint because they continued to stand where they were.

"Hi. I'm Layla." The tall girl introduced herself. "This is my mate, Stephano." She continued, pointing to the guy standing next to her. I nodded my head and quickly whistled for a cab to stop. I didn't want to engage in a conversation with them. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I knew that she'd report everything to her Alpha, and I wasn't ready for pack life yet.

Once a cab pulled over, I placed the bags in the back and got in along with them. I turned to the two standing outside the closed car door, "It was nice meeting you." I said before the taxi pulled off.

I asked the driver to take me to the best hotel and he said that it would be a forty-five-minute drive. I was okay with that. For the entire drive, Jaden (the cab driver) and I had a nice conversation. He was actually delightful to talk to. When we got to the hotel, he gave me his number and said that he'd be honored to be my personal chauffeur.

I smiled a genuine smile and thanked him. I paid, giving a hefty tip, and then made my way inside the beautiful hotel. From the outside, the hotel looked clean and elegant. The inside didn't disappoint either. The maroon and ivory color scheme gave the hotel's lounge a sense of tasteful comfort.

I went to the front desk and the lady at the counter looked down at me in distaste. I guess jeans and a T-shirt wasn't acceptable here. What a snob.

"May I help you?" The woman asked rudely. I looked at her name tag that had Beatrice written in bold letters. A stuck up name for a stuck up person.

"Yes, you can help me, Beatrice." I replied kindly. "I would like to pay for the penthouse, and every night I stay, I ask that you charge it to my tab."

"You do know that what you're asking for is highly expensive, right? Can you even afford it?" She asked indecently. I gasped at her, and something in me snapped.

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