Chapter 25

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.:Author's Note:.

Bathroom at the top ^.^


Toby's POV:

"Come on, Callisto. You need to wake up, eat, and take your pill." Michael said into my ear. I ignored him as I snuggled up to Matthew in the surprisingly comfortable hospital bed. I knew Michael knew that I was awake, so I wasn't surprised at all when I was suddenly picked up and thrown over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. A giggle slipped through my lips as he walked over to his chair by the bed and sat me in his lap.

"Good morning, Callisto." He whispered as he buried his face into my hair.

"Good morning, Bubby." I replied as I nuzzled his neck. Once I was done getting my scent all over him, I pulled back and peered up at him. Michael quickly pecked my lips and then turned to the plate of food that I didn't realize was on the bedside table. My mouth watered at the sight of eggs, bacon, and French toast on the plate. I looked at the plate, then Michael, and then back at the plate again, making him chuckle.

"It's all yours." He stated, answering my silent question. I grabbed one toast from the plate and hurriedly shoved it into my mouth. I felt like I haven't eaten in years. Michael watched me eat like a starved animal, but didn't utter a word, only chuckled again. Once I was finished, I took my pill, and then I was back at Matthew's side again. This was how the routine went for the past two weeks.

I couldn't believe that it's been two weeks already. Matthew's tube was out and his body was healed from the wounds. All that was left now, was for him to wake up. I had to go to school during the weekdays, but once those hours were up, I returned to Matty's side, hoping that his eyes were opened. I knew that Michael was going to be way more protective of him once they did. He wouldn't even allow me to go to the bathroom by myself, so imagine what would happen in Matty's case.

I laughed at the vision of Matthew complaining about being treated like a baby. Michael started laughing too, probably seeing the image in my head. We got our laughing under control as Dr. L. walked into the room.

"Good morning, Alpha and Luna." He spoke as he placed his clipboard under his arm.

"Good morning." Michael and I replied simultaneously.

Dr. L. smiled and then went about checking on Matthew. I had to get off of the bed, so I took a seat in Michael's lap once again, wiggling my waist to get comfortable. Almost immediately, Michael's hand flew to my waist to keep me still and I felt him harden slightly under me.

I blushed heavily and moaned as Michael thrust his hips up, causing Dr. L. to turn to us. Michael growled at him and Dr. L's eyes bulged out as he quickly turned back around. He finished with his checking and then left, throwing a quick goodbye over his shoulder.

Michael turned me around in his lap, and before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. I released a whimper as he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I didn't grant him any and he growled warningly. The sound went straight to my cock and I began grinding on him.

Michael nipped at my bottom lip this time and I happily granted him entrance as I continued to rub our covered cocks together. Moans escaped me, causing him to swallow every single one, as our tongues fought for dominance. My hand wounded up in his hair and he groaned as I tugged on his strands. My other hand was at his neck, pulling him closer to me.

We haven't mated since my family had arrived and I could tell that is was driving our wolves crazy. Hell, it was driving me crazy. I broke away from our kiss to breathe. I was panting while Michael decided to rip my T-shirt in two and latch onto one of my nipples. My arm tightened around his neck and my hand in his hair as I threw my head back and moaned, non-too quietly.

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