Chapter 35

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Toby's POV:

One thought never came to my mind as the jet flew across the country. I didn't even think about what would happen if I saw Terrance again. Now, however, it was the only thing on my mind. The jet landed, causing my nerves to kick into high gear.

What am I supposed to do? Maybe I could avoid the confrontation and stay by Daddy's grave the entire trip.

No, I can't do that. That would be selfish to Matthew. He needs all the support he can get.

I sighed as we all got off of the jet. There were two cars waiting to take us to the Crimson Moon Pack, the one place I thought I'd never return to. I held Ozzy up on my waist as Michael, Darius, and Matthew carried the luggage from the jet to the cars. Once they were done, Michael came over and kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry." He said. "I won't let them hurt you again." There was nothing but sincerity in his tone. I nodded as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm driving." Em called out, interrupting our moment. She took the keys from one of the drivers' hand before going to its designated vehicle. I laughed as the driver looked at his now empty palm in confusion before going after Emery. He couldn't fight her for the key, he wouldn't win, so he opted to sit in the back.

Michael, on the other hand, allowed our driver to drive the car. Matthew, Michael, Ozzy, Mommy, and I got into the car before it roared to life. Darius, Zem, Casey, and Cyn were riding with Em. The entire ride to the pack house was done in silence. Everyone was too busy worrying about the things on their mind to start a conversation. I sat in the middle of Matthew and Michael with Ozzy in Michael's lap and Mommy in the front. I could feel Matthew's leg bouncing nervously, and faster, the closer we got to the pack house.

Before I could address his nervous habit, my phone rang, breaking the silence. I took it out of my pocket before answering.

"What's up, Gumdrop?"

"Hey, Cupcake. Em said we're going to our pack first. We're going to get settled in before you guys go over to the Crimson Moon Pack." I nodded although she couldn't see me. It sounded like a good plan, and it would give Matthew and me enough time to get our bearings.

"Alright. We'll just follow behind you guys." I answered back. Cyn made a sound of agreement before we both hung up.

"Hey, driver. You can just follow behind Emery. We're not going to see Alpha Matthew first." The driver nodded before turning to follow Em. I put my phone away and leaned my head against Matthew.

"Why aren't we going there first?" Mommy asked from the front seat.

"Emery wants us to get settled in first. I thought it was a good idea because Matthew could use some extra time." I answered before Matthew squeezed my shoulder gratefully.

"Makes sense." Mommy agreed. After that, the car was silent again. Not even the radio was playing. It didn't take long for us to reach Emery's pack. We were currently passing through the gate and driving up the driveway. Once the cars were parked, we all got out. Ozzy looked around in wonder and struggled to get out of Michael's arm.

"Papa p-put me d-down!" He struggled some more. Michael chuckled before putting the pup down to stand on his own two feet. I laughed at the scene before two people ran out the house.

"Whoa there, sis! Mind you hurt yourself." Mommy told Aunty Wynter. She laughed before pulling her twin in for a hug. Uncle Nicholas hugged his kids before hugging me. He also went to hug Mommy before turning to Matthew with a strong glare.

"Hurt my nephew again and I will kill you." He warned. Michael and I growled lowly at Uncle Nicholas. I knew he was only trying to help, but he threatened our mate.

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