Chapter 12

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Michael's POV:

I watched as my mate stripped from his clothes and withered in the bed. My wolf was demanding to come out so that he could mark his mate, but I held back. I didn't know if it was something Toby wanted yet. He watched me as I watched him. Something flashed in his eyes before he abruptly stood up and walked over to me. I stood completely still, holding my breath so that my wolf, who was already on the surface, wouldn't come out and mount Toby.

Toby wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled my face closer to his. I held back the growl in my throat as his cock rubbed against my thigh.

"I want you." He said, and that was all the confirmation I needed. I picked him up and slammed him against the wall. My wolf didn't want to wait anymore, and honestly neither did I. I took Toby's lips in a demanding kiss as he wrapped his legs tighter around me, wanting friction. I swallowed his moans as he started grinding against me.

I was hard as steel in my pants and they were becoming a nuisance. Turning around and placing Toby on the bed, I stripped from my clothes. Toby watched me with hooded eyes, and I nearly came when he grabbed his cock and started jerking himself off. I paused my strip show and watched as Toby lost himself. He laid down and gave me a perfect view of his twitching hole. A growl left my lips as I quickly shredded the rest of my clothes and kneeled down in front of Toby's magnificent body.

I think he forgot that I was watching him because he jumped when I spread his legs wider. He continued to play with his member as I focused my attention on his star-shaped entrance. I teasingly blew on it and watched as it clenched, begging to be filled.

Deciding that I wanted to torture Toby for a bit, I stood up and backed away from his body. A desperate whine left his lips as he gave me a needy glare.

"What are you doing?" He questioned angrily. I didn't answer and just watched him. He was a beautiful sight to behold. His hair was sticking out in all directions. His cheeks and the rest of his body seemed to hold a permanent blush under the moonlight. His cock stood straight, just needy for attention. And his eyes were dilated, watching me.

I guess Toby's heat gave him a new found confidence and some strength because before I could register his sudden movements, Toby pulled me onto the bed and straddled my waist.

"I swear to the Moon Goddess, Michael, if you don't fuck me right now, I'll find someone who will!" He threatened. I laid there stunned, his threat not yet processed. Was this my Toby?

The same Toby that hated cursing and avoided eye contact when I sucked him off this morning? The same Toby that turned beet red at anything remotely sexual?

Looking up at him, it would seem like he was my Toby. However, this Toby was going through heat and was sexually frustrated. It was hot. When his sentence finally registered in my head, I growled possessively and flipped us over.

"I'd like to see you try." I told him in a warning tone that seemed to make him even more excited. I took him into another kiss and started rubbing our cocks together. Toby couldn't keep still under me and I dwelled in the fact that I was giving him so much pleasure.

I broke away from the kiss and started a path down to his hard member. I slowly kissed from his neck to his nipples. Making sure that he was looking at me, I took one hardened bud into my mouth. Toby moaned and arched his back, trying to get me to go lower. Ignoring his pleas, I took the other hardened bud into my mouth and gave it the same attention as the first. Once both of his nipples were bright red and sensitive, I continued my journey lower. I dipped my tongue into his navel and sucked on the skin around it. I'm pretty sure I'd leave some hickeys, but that was okay.

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