Chapter 37

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Toby's POV:

"That's great, Terrance. Now that everything is settled, we shall have a pack meeting tomorrow to announce the news. It's getting late and I don't think Toby, Michael, and Matthew were planning to stay the night. Plus, Stanley isn't back yet." Matthew Sr. stated once Terrance and I took our seats.

"It's nothing personal, Alpha... actually, yes it is. I don't believe Toby is ready to stay here for a long period of time." Michael piped up for me. I blushed as all eyes turned to me.

"I completely understand, Michael. I don't blame Toby at all and I hold nothing against him." Matthew Sr. smiled at me, causing me to do the same. We all stood up, ready to leave the pack house. Matthew Sr. led us out of the office, down the stairs, then back outside to the car. He hugged his son, mumbling that he will see him tomorrow, before shaking Michael's hand. I turned to Terrance who was nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"So... tomorrow?" He asked nervously. I chuckled before nodding.

"Tomorrow, Ter." I teased before smiling at him. There was also a small smile on his face as I addressed Matthew Sr. He opened his arms and I happily giggled as I jumped into the hug he was offering. Once all the goodbyes were done, Matthew, Michael, and I all got into the car. This time, Matthew would be driving while Michael sat in the back with me.

"Do I get my backseat blowjob now?" Michael asked hotly against my skin once we were a distance away from the Crimson Moon Pack. I shivered as my skin heated up. He sucked and nibbled on my earlobe, causing my breath to hitch as my member stirred in my pants. I leaned to the side, allowing Michael to place open-mouthed kisses down my neck. I could feel Matthew increasing the car's speed, wanting us to get back to Emery's pack ASAP. Michael pulled me into his lap as he continued to suck on my skin. His stubble felt surprisingly erotic against my dermis as his lips traveled lower down my body.

I didn't know when my shirt was torn off. Nor did I realize that my cock was now free from the confines of my pants. I did, however, hear Matthew growling lowly in the front seat and the smell of his arousal drifted to the back. In fact, the smell of all our arousals filled the car. Before Michael could tempt me anymore, the car was parked. I opened my eyes to see that we had reached the Black Knight Pack and Michael and Matthew were hurrying out of the car.

I was thrown over Michael's shoulder as he and Matthew rushed inside the pack house and into our room. At every movement, my shaft rubbed deliciously against Michael's clothed chest. Before I knew it, we were in our room and the door was locked. Michael threw me safely onto the bed, making me giggle as I bounced before settling.

The giggling stopped, however, when I saw the predatory looks in both Matthew's and Michael's eyes. I bit my lip nervously as they both took synchronized steps towards me.

"I think we should try tonight." Matthew mumbled. Try what?

"I think so too. You think he can handle it?" Michael mumbled back to him. Handle what?!

I frowned as I scooted back on the bed. Devious smirks came to their faces as they continued to come closer. Just before I could fall off the edge of the bed, Matthew pounced and grabbed onto my leg. He dragged me closer to him and Michael before smirking.

"I think he's ready." Matthew answered Michael's previous question. Michael only nodded before he began stripping. I watched, lustily, as every inch of his slightly hairy, but tanned, skin was exposed. My mouth watered as his hard cock came out and smacked against his stomach. My eyes traveled up his body, passing his smirk, and locking onto his lust filled eyes.

I turned from him to watch as Matthew stripped also. His chest was just as defined as Michael's. However, while Michael had small hairs traveling down his body, Matthew had none. He preferred to stay smooth like me, but his cock was just as defined as Michael's.

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