Chapter 19

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Matthew's POV:

I was currently pacing outside of the diner that I first saw Toby and Michael in. I could see Toby and his family inside, but they were too occupied to notice me. Cynthia told me that they were going to be here today, and I thought that now was a good a time as ever to start my plan in getting my mates.

However, I was bitching out. The thought of getting rejected was making it hard to breathe.

'You better calm the fuck down. We wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place if it wasn't for you.' Said Demarco. He only talked to me when he felt like it. Other times, I was on my own.

'I know. I know. Let me just... get my bearings.' I replied. He didn't respond. Once I felt like I wouldn't throw up the minute I faced them, I entered the diner. I knew that they knew I was here because Michael growled lowly. I took tentative steps towards their table and my mood dropped a little when Toby unconsciously leaned toward Michael for protection. He was scared of me. It seemed like Oscar also suspected that I was a threat because he growled at me, trying to protect Casey's baby that was in a car seat next to him.

I stopped at a safe distance and made a quick glance towards Cynthia. She had a straight face but I didn't miss the small nod she sent my way. Before anyone at the table could say a word, I decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry." I stated before I lost the balls to speak again. Cynthia said that was the first thing I need to do in order to get my mates. If Toby never forgives me, then the whole plan would be futile.

I was too caught up in my thought to notice that Toby was suddenly angry. I flinched when he asked, "You're sorry?" in a venomously mocking tone. I was suddenly nervous all over again, but that didn't stop me from nodding my head. Toby gave a bitter laugh.

"You're sorry?" He repeated. "You weren't sorry when you would beat me every single day for no good reason. You weren't sorry when you watched as the pack joined in on you and my brother's beatings. You weren't sorry when you continued to abuse me, even when you knew who I was. You let them. You gave them permission. You allowed them to hurt me as you just stood back and watched, and sometimes even joined. And now you want to say you're sorry?"

I winced at everything he said. They weren't true. I was extremely sorry then, just like I am right now. I didn't want them to hurt him. I did technically give them permission, but if I had protected him, people would've noticed my feelings for him and wouldn't want me as their Alpha. Their gay Alpha.

Tears rushed down his face, causing me to feel like shit. I regretted everything. I regret not protecting him. I regret hurting him. I regret not loving him completely when I had the chance. I was a complete asshole.

"You know, I didn't think that I'd ever get the chance to tell you this, but you guys almost pushed me to commit suicide." He stated and Demarco growled in my head as sobs broke out at his table. I broke him, and he wanted me to know it.

"I thought that I could leave and nobody would miss me. I could be with Daddy, and he'd protect me, just like he always did." By this time, he had moved away from his seat and was standing in front of me, at a distance that was too far for my liking. I don't think that I'd ever get his forgiveness, not when I did this to him.

"But then I started thinking rationally. People would miss me. I had Mommy, Cyn, and the entire Black Knight Pack. They'd all miss me. But most importantly, I had a mate who was out there waiting for me. That week of my birthday, I thought that I was the happiest guy alive. I thought that my pack had finally put their differences behind them and was finally accepting me. I was so stupid. I could feel my mate the night of my birthday and I was overcome with joy." I knew where he was going with this and I paled immediately.

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