Chapter 39

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Toby's POV:

"May I have some grapefruit juice please?" I asked tiredly as I entered the kitchen. All movements stopped as soon as the question left my mouth. I stopped rubbing my eyes to look at everyone who was staring at me in concern.

"But, you hate grapefruit juice." Matthew replied confusedly. It's been two and a half weeks since the pack meeting and we (Matthew, Michael, Ozzy, and me) were planning to return home today. During our visit, many of my old pack members apologized and wished me good luck for the future. Of course, I forgave them all because like I said, everyone deserves a second chance. I was going to miss the Black Knight Pack though. My whole family, minus Terrance, Matthew, Michael, Ozzy, and Matthew Sr. were here.

"And now I don't. Am I going to get some or what?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. Was a glass of grapefruit juice so much to ask for?

"Um, sure." Michael answered as he poured me a glass. I smiled in appreciation as I took my seat.

"H-Hi, Mo-Mommy!" Ozzy exclaimed as he came running from out of his room.

"Good morning, pup!" I replied just as happily. I picked Ozzy up and placed him in my lap just as Michael place my juice right in front of me. I thanked him before drinking the citrusy liquid. I moaned as the flavor burst on my tongue. How could I have hated this juice before?

"May I have some orange juice now please?" I asked once I finished my drink. Everybody, once again, looked at me like I was weird.

"Are you okay, Cupcake?" Cyn asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just that you're acting the same way I did when I found out I was pregnant."

"Yeah, me too." Casey added in. "You're craving a lot of citruses, and you've never liked grapefruit juice until just now."

"Pregnant? But I don't have morning sickness." I mumbled, making Mommy laugh.

"Morning sickness isn't the only early symptom of pregnancy, Cupcake. There's citrus craving, shortness of breath, fatigue, cramping, headaches, backaches, and more." She stated, making me worry a bit. If I was pregnant, I don't think I'd be able to handle that much pain.

"Morning sickness doesn't happen until about six weeks." She continued. I looked to Michael and Matthew for reassurance that everything would be okay, but they were shocked where they stood. I snapped my fingers to get them out of their stupor. It worked, but then they were all over me.

"Um guys, what are you doing?" I asked as Mommy took Ozzy from me.

"They're scent searching. They want to smell their pup." Mommy answered.

"We don't even know if I'm pregnant. WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF?!" I ended angrily. Everyone jumped as Michael and Matthew backed away from me.

"Not pregnant my ass." Em mumbled even though I was sure we all heard.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I whispered apologetically. Matthew and Michael only smiled in response before Michael took my glass and poured me some orange juice. I thanked him before downing the glass in one go.

"After breakfast, we should all go out." I suggested. "It's the last day that Matthew, Michael, Ozzy, and I will be here and I think we should all spend it doing something together."

"That sounds good." Mommy agreed.

"Yeah, and we can invite Avery, Addy, Terrance and Alpha Matthew." Cyn suggested also. That wasn't a bad idea. I did say I wanted to spend the last day with my family, and they are my family. I nodded, and so did everyone else. I shyly tapped Michael's shoulder since he was the closest person to me. He turned to me with a gentle smile on his face.

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