Chapter 31

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Ozzy's POV:

Mommy told me to run and to leave him and Daddy. I didn't want to. Papa told me to be a big boy for them, but Mommy screamed for me to leave. He wasn't being mean. He was being a big boy for me. I ran like Mommy told me to. I should only stop for Uncle Jelani. I didn't hear anyone chasing me, but I still ran. I was getting cut by sticks and I fell sometimes, but I kept going. I wanted to make Mommy proud.

I had a present for him. I thought I had it in my room, but then I remembered that I buried it in the woods with my friends. When I went to go get it, that guy, Daddy called him DiNozzo, grabbed me. I tried to scream, but he put a cloth over my mouth and nose. It made me tired, so I fell asleep.

My legs were hurting me and I couldn't breathe right. I listened again to hear if anyone was chasing me. I didn't hear anyone so I stopped. I was tired and I needed air. There was sweat and dirt on my forehead and my hair was sticking to my face.

Uncle Jelani and the pack fighters showed up, but I didn't hear them, so I screamed when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and picked me up. When I was turned around and saw Uncle Jelani, I hugged him and cried.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. It's okay, Ozzy. You're safe, pup." He told me as he rocked me in his arms.

"Di-DiNo-DiNozzo has Mo-Mommy and Da-Daddy." I told him.

"I know. That stupid fuck." I giggled and looked at his face.

"Un-uncle! Y-you said a ba-bad word." I told him while I still laughed. Uncle Jelani wiped away the dirt on my face before laughing too.

"Don't tell your parents."

"I wo-won't"

"Straight ahead, warriors. Go in the direction of Ozzy's scent. Let's hope we can reach them before they all disappear." Uncle Jelani told the fighters as I put my head back on his shoulder.

"D-did I do a gr-great job, Un-uncle? Mo-Mommy to-told me to ru-run and n-not look ba-back."

"You did an excellent job, Ozzy. Let's get you home." He responded and then gave me to Aunty Emery. I didn't see her before.

"Au-aunty Em! Wh-when did y-you get h-here?" I asked happily.

"I've been here the whole time, Cookie." She laughed. "I'm going to shift now, and you'll have to ride me all the way home. Okay?" I nodded before Aunty put me down and shifted into a pretty black wolf. She licked my face before laying down so that I could get on her back. When I sat on her back and held onto her fur, Aunty stood up and started running home. I laughed during the whole ride home. The wind in my hair felt nice.

Grandma and Aunty Cyn was waiting for us when we reached home. Aunty came over and picked me up off of Aunty Em's back. Grandma handed Aunty Em a large T-shirt as she shifted back to human.

"I have to go back and help Jelani. Take care of Ozzy until we return." Aunty Em told Aunty Cyn before kissing her. My face scrunched up.

"Eww, Au-aunties! You'll g-get cooties." I told them. They both chuckled before Aunty Emery was running back to the woods in wolf form. I placed my head tiredly on Aunty Cyn's shoulder.

"Why don't you go lay down, Summer. I'll take care of Ozzy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You look tired." Grandma smiled before turning around and going inside. Aunty Cyn followed behind her. We headed to Papa's part of the pack house. When we got inside, Grandma went to her room and Aunty Cyn brought us to the bathroom.

"Au-aunty. Where is Ze-Zem?" I asked as she put me down on the toilet top and went to the tub.

"She's sleeping with her parents." Aunty answered, making me frown sadly. Zemora was my favorite person. She was so tiny and pretty. Aunty set the water in the tub and asked me to take off my clothes. I loved baths. I took off my pants and shirt and brief. Mommy said when I grow up, I'll wear boxers. I never wanted to grow up. I loved my Spiderman briefs.

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