Chapter - 51

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 51
By: mike hurley

Amy!! ....Sweetie!! .....We're  here!!
I stopped & bought you a coffee.

Oh my gosh Ty!! I fell asleep; I'm so sorry.....
Are you ok!! 

I'm fine Amy.  You needed some extra sleep.
You're really pretty when you're sleeping!!


Amy blushed a little & slid her hand into Ty's; she kissed his cheek, & whispered into his ear; I love you Ty......
........Did you get all the supplies from Erik's clinic??

Yeah, everything.  Did you remember your birth control pills??

Yup, they're in with my cosmetics. Is it ok we're not using condoms anymore Ty.....I like it better when it's just you.

Just little ole me, Amy??

Ty, you're not so little ya know!!

Is that a compliment?? ......Ty grinned.

You know, I think men are totally obsessed with their size!!  It's just so silly!!

Well, I don't know about that Amy, but personally, .......I'm obsessed with you!!

Amy grinned & punched his arm. She smiled at Ty & asked; when did I look the prettiest??

The very first time I saw you Amy; when we met in the driveway & you yelled at me.

Tyler Borden!! Be serious!! I was all dirty from my ride, my hair was a mess!!  And you were being a pain in the ass!!
So.........when do you remember me looking the very prettiest?? You guys say
'Drop dead gorgeous'??  Did you ever think I was gorgeous??  Amy watched Ty's eyes and blushed when he answered.....

Yes, you were 'drop dead gorgeous' the evening of your school formal, when I gave you the promise ring!! You were way beyond beautiful Amy!!  Definitely Gorgeous!!
And your green dress!!  Oh my eyes about fell out of my head. 

What did you like about my green dress??

I'm a guy Amy!!  What do you think I liked about it!! 

So you liked the color??

Yeah sure!!  That's it!! The color!! Ty shook his head!!

Guys are so......silly!!  A girl shows a little cleavage &
they all have a heart attack!!
Like they've never seen a breast before!!

It's not like that Amy.....

Ty, you kissed me differently, after you slid your promise ring on my finger.....
You kissed me like I was the most important person in your life. You kissed me like you loved me!!

You are Amy!!  You're my family.

Do I look pretty today Ty??
I didn't have time for make up.

You don't need make up Amy; you're already beautiful!!

You're just saying that beautiful stuff to get me into bed tonight!!  Isn't that true Dr Borden??
You men are all alike!!
Amy tickled his ribs and made Ty laugh.
It's going to be a romantic evening Ty, being intimate in our hotel room.  All cozy & snuggled up together; maybe we'll watch a movie.....

I don't know Amy, all I can think about now is your green dress!!

Ty......... get your mind on your driving!!

Ty tickled Amy & got her giggling!!

Amy got a text from the Boone Therapeutic Riding Center. There were questions about which student could ride which horse. Amy did her best to answer.

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