Chapter - 30

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Shattered Dreams
By; mike hurley / chapter 30
'An Endless Love'

Amy opened the glove box door & pulled out the owners manual, she nervously flipped through pages, then tapped her finger on page 93. She turned to her grandpa & said; look at this........they have lane departure warnings now on cars, but what they really need to invent is an app that tells people when we just made a dumb decision!! I mean, what if I scared Ty away....... 'You need to come down & open my door!! I'll wait 10 minutes'!!
I sounded like a bitchy woman!!

Doesn't that sound bossy grandpa??!! Guys don't like girls telling them what to do. It really turns them off!! He's probably up there studying chemistry, eating more cake, or vacuuming out any trace of me in his bedroom.

Jack started to say;....... your overreac.....

But Amy kept talking. I made all those ga-zillion phone calls just to piss him off & go home to right where I began!!
'I don't see 'us' in your eyes'!! That's about as stupid of a comment as I've ever made!!

How can I be so stupid, Grandpa??!
I don't know, who I am I fooling, he doesn't love me anymore. He's probably calling Ellie's sister & looking for a date; she probably wears a 34C, and shows enough leg to get a rise out of Daniel Boone. Amy turned red & said; I'm sorry, that's pretty colorful talk for a Grandfather to hear!!

Jack smiled a little bit & replied; maybe so, but I was young once & I know what a man desires in a girl......and Amy, Ty would be a fool to let you go!!

She closed the glovebox door & began doodling on the back of the rental car agreement. She didn't doodle, but now she was.

Amy, oftentimes in life we need to make 'course corrections', like when I loaned your father money so he wouldn't loose his ranch.

Wait.......Grandpa!! When did you lend my dad money?? I never heard about this!! Has he repaid it??

Jack look flustered & forgot he hadn't told Amy & Lou. He turned to Amy & said; never mind. That was a dumb example.

I can't believe you didn't tell us!! I mean we're a family, Lou and I could have helped him with groceries. Oh, but there's that guy thing again; never tell a girl anything!! The man pounds his chest & makes all the decisions!!

Amy........ you need to calm dow.........

Don't tell me to call down Grandpa!! That's so patronizing to a woman!!

Jack rolled his eyes; they're all alike!!
Pour in a little estrogen & stand back!! He told himself.

I bet Ty is up there looking at a dating site, right now!! Girls in bikinis!! Guys are all alike Grandpa!!

Qualities you seek in a girl; calm, gorgeous & doesn't tell me what to do!! What was that old movie where the townsmen put something in the cities water so all the women were compliant, baked cookies and had sex with their husbands 7 times a day!! CheckerBoard Wives?? No that wasn't it......
Has it been 10 minutes Grandpa??


You know, there's the few men who love their girl like you did with Grandma, and now with Lisa!! But most guys are like Ty!! Things get tough, you dump your girlfriend & get another.
Damn that Ellie he was dating was a looker!!
She probably had 100 guys following her around all day!!

Grandpa laughed and said; I heard a table of young men talking in Maggie's last month about the 6 hottest young women in Hudson; guess who was #1??

Amy blushed & replied; yeah but everyone of those young men.........

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