Chapter - 35

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Shattered Dreams
Chap 35 / 'Sleeping Together'
By: Mike Hurley

Ty knelt down & hugged little Sadie. She rubbed her cheek against his rough day old beard & giggled. Do you have to go Ty??
I thought maybe you & Amy could show me the stuff in your box??

I'm sorry, it's late, and I have school tomorrow & Amy's starts her new job. He looked into her disappointed eyes and said; what if we promise to go through that box Saturday. Your parents are having a summer picnic & Amy & I are invited.

Sadie smiled & shook Ty's hand....& said; it's a deal!! I can't wait.
Then she whispered a secret into his ear.

Sadie ran into her grandmothers room & found Amy. She was saying good bye to Nancy.

Good by Amy!! Ty said you & him were coming over Saturday & we can look in your box.
But......whose box is it Amy?? Yours or Ty's?

It's belongs to both of us Sadie.

I just told Ty a secret!!

What you tell him?? Amy asked.

Sadie whispered Into Amy's ear.....
I told him you like him, so he needs to buy you a ring & hold your hand on long walks!

What did Ty say?? Amy asked with an inquisitive grin.

He just smiled. But Ty's a boy & they don't always understand us girls. So you might need to be patient!!

Amy smiled & hugged Sadie tightly. Sadie gave her a kiss on the cheek.


Caleb narrowed down his options to two: continue on his current rodeo circuit, or travel to his home town, in Saskatchewan & compete in the circuit there. He needed a change, and a chance to look for a 'normal' woman whom he could love and be loved in return. It just made sense to begin with Cindy. If she was still the sweet little thing who stole his heart in secondary school, maybe she would fall in love with him again.

Caleb remembered his senior year, 2nd hockey game of the season, he walked up the stands looking for a seat. Cindy smiled & called to him.......Caleb!! He hardly knew her; he gave her a pencil in Geography class last April. Her eyes were bright, fun, and pretty. Cindy was effervescent & bubbly, with tons of friends & even more guys drooling over her. She was a good student, but had a serious side too. Her smile captivated Caleb's heart that cool fall night........

Hi!! Have we scored yet??

No, but their goalie is like a human wall, nothing gets past him. You still riding broncs??

How'd you know I rodeo??

I was at the town rodeo in August, I think ‪Wednesday night‬ & they called your name, & out you came!!

They both laughed.

I cheered for you!! You didn't hear me??

Caleb shook his head no...... amazed that such a beautiful girl even knew his name.

9.2 seconds & then he tossed you against the wall. God that must have hurt, I saw the pain fill your eyes!! I about died when you slammed into that wall, you could hear a pin drop as you dropped to the dirt, ......but I heard you groan.

I hurt for a month!!  Caleb replied.

I wanted to climb the wall & help you up.

You did??

Cindy looked up into his eyes, Caleb O'Dell was a fox & she wanted to kiss him. Right here, right now!!

I would have kissed you too!!!

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