Chapter - 47

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 47 / The Best Thing - part 2
By; mike hurley

Amy was getting ready for work, at the Therapudic Riding Center, while Ty sat in his truck, in the apartment driveway, on the phone. He was having a private conversation.......
Jack, I want to get Amy an engagement ring; and you loaned me some money.

Ty it wasn't a loan; it was a gift to use as you see fit.

Well, thank you but I'm treating it as emergency money. But, do you think I should use it on a ring??  Is it silly I set it aside for an emergency??  I'm torn deciding what to do;
if I use the money, I would have enough to buy a about 2 months. Jack, I want to marry Amy after I graduate; but I want her to be my fiancé now.  I need her to know how much I love her!!

Ty,  I can't tell you what to do, have you talked to Amy about a ring??

I want it to be a surprise. But what if she gets mad when she finds out how much I paid for it??

Ty, that's between you and Amy, but you two need to find a place where you can express your feelings, without worrying Amy will be upset. Whatever you decide, just remember; You're not alone Ty, you have a family, and 
I'm your father.  Ok??  A father helps his son.
Do you follow my drift??

Yes Jack, I do.
Oh ....hang on Jack, Amy's walking up.....just a second Jack......
Ty stepped out of the truck & sighed as Amy wrapped her arms around his neck; her warm body felt so good pressed up against him.

I'll miss you Ty!! Good luck on your test. I love you!!

I love you Amy!!
........Amy, I'm talking to your grandfather.

Amy leaned into Ty's cell & said; I love you too Grandpa!! Are you glad to be home??

Well, I sure am Amy, but I miss you and Ty;
I still can't believe you found him and you two are back together!!

Grandpa, we've never been this close before; thank you for coming with me and being here for both of us!! You're the best grandfather in the whole world!! 
How's Spartan & Harley?!

They're good, they both miss you Amy!!

Ok, tell them I love them, and give Stumpy a hug for me........well, I'm off to work......but, why are you two men having a top secret meeting in Ty's truck??

Oh, it's nothing Amy.....

Amy grinned and rolled her eyes!! Yeah right!!
She kissed Ty's cheek and smiled at him.

Ty stared at Amy.....she wore a pair of jeans and a red top......she was beyond beautiful!! He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Amy have a good day, I'll see you tonight. I love you!!
Ok, I'm back, so how's Mrs Bell??

She's really good Ty, she left a jar of honey on my kitchen table. She's a great neighbor & friend!!
Ty, I want to talk to you about something, are you in a hurry??

Ah, no Jack....I've got a few minutes......


They walked out of the pharmacy & Cindy pointed to Imperial Park......Caleb, could we walk around the park once.
I love parks.....I love the flower gardens, all the trees swaying in the wind, the ponds & fountains, children playing. I love merry go rounds and swing sets!  It's like.....when you're in a park; time stops.

They entered the park and heard the laughter of children inside.
An evening breeze tickled a grove of poplars then whispered to the young couple as they silently walked along the path. Caleb held Cindy's hand in his. He loved walking with her. To Caleb it symbolized a new life for him.
He left a home full of yelling and criticisms
to a girl who loved him unconditionally.

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