Chapter - 1/expanded version

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Chapter -1: New version.
Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️
By; mike hurley

Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

NOTE: Amy & Ty have come a long ways in this story from when Ty first came back to Heartland to pick up a box, Amy left him on the kitchen table. Kim, Jim, and I felt it might be fun to revisit chapter one; where this whole story began.  I rewrote chapter 1, adding a whole lot more of everything. Drama, emotions, missing each other, mad at each other, Jack frantically trying to stay out of their fight, but yearning to help them both understand the perils of love.
The original version is still up on FB, and WattPad. I'm curious to know what you think of this longer version. Those of you who empty a Kleenex box per chapter, you'll need a full box.

                   🦋🦋Story Begins🦋🦋

I don't care what you do Ty!!.......

He sat up, startled and looked out the windows. There was no one there.

Ty was certain Amy was just here; he heard her voice; Ty looked at his clock.....4:15 am. Still dark. Amy was still mad.

He fell asleep an hour ago, before that, sleep evaded him.
Amy haunted Ty with her anger. He agreed with her about bringing Blair home on his bike; but not with kissing her.

Ty tried to be angry with Amy, in how mean and aggravated she was with him. But somehow Ty couldn't. He loved her, he felt awful for hurting her, but sad that she couldn't find the courage to see that Blair was lying.
Amy knew Ty better than anyone, but her lack of trust in his word, hurt Ty to his core.....

The Home Depot parking lot lights were bright; his trucks bench seat was not made for sleeping on. Ty groaned and rubbed a kink in his neck. He needed a pillow, but didn't have  extra money for soft things. His knees ached from not being able to stretch out. Life had become hard for Ty, ever since Amy said.....
"I don't care what you do Ty".

But the most grating on Ty's nerves was his morning wood.  It was long, real long,
and hard like a 2 x 4 piece of oak. He couldn't move any which direction without it being in his way. Like trying to bend over with a broomstick in your pants.
Why in hell didn't his own gear know, this was not the time to be excited; he wondered. It took freaking forever to go down & Ty needed to pee, ......bad.

Guys can't pee when their morning wood is awake......
But right on time, a memory crept into his mind.....the first time Amy ever saw morning wood deployed....... the morning she woke him for help with loading the trailer.  He saw her eyes almost popping in shock. A stallion lived upstairs in the loft....
Now his wood was even longer; thinking of Amy, thinking of him.
Ty groaned & grabbed his water bottle & splashed cold water on his face.
He began to shrink & soften quickly, back to its tiny & 'sleepy soft' pre-dawn state.

But Ty couldn't get Amy out of his mind.....her anger wouldn't leave him alone. He remembered the hurt and anger in her eyes and voice. A mad hornet is nothing compared to an angry woman. He hated himself for bringing Blair home on the back of his bike. He dissected & understood the heart of a horse, but a woman's heart confounded him.
Ty swore at himself.......he hurt Amy; that was something his father would have done.

Ty opened his truck door and climbed into the GMC's bed, then methodically looked all around. Cops didn't approve of peeing in public.
He knelt down in one corner that was dark & felt for his old 'green bean' can, then pulled his thing out, it was cold, & super small, not unlike a puppy curled up & trying to stay warm.

It was tiny, just a fraction of the size Amy used to enjoy caressing & tasting and.......watching his eyes just before he ...........

Ty pulled on it gently, stretching it out to get enough length to hold & aim his steam.
He silently moaned as his throbbing bladder emptied & relaxed.
Ty stared at nothing & couldn't believe he was reduced to urinating in a can.

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