Chapter - 34

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 34;
They floated together, high above the clouds...
By; mike hurley

Ty, we need to talk this out!!  Please hear what I have to say, then I'll listen to you ok!!
Soraya sent me a sheet on how to have a constructive argument with a spouse. I know we're not married, but I hope someday we will be. If that shocks you, I'm sorry, but thats how I feel.

Is it ok if I go first......

Ty finally looked at her & shook his head yes.

Ok,..... let me start by saying; putting you're stuff, in this box was the dumbest thing I have ever done. You didn't deserve that. I'm trying to understand how this box hurt you.  I hope it's ok but I talked with Barbara's mom, Nancy about this damn box. She's a wise woman & she told me this box made you feel rejected and worthless. It devalued all the good things we had and did, including you offering to do anything for me, and your almost going to jail for another of my lame ideas to rescue Spartan.

Amy dropped to her knees and continued;

Ty I will be forever sorry for this box and how it hurt you. I apologize and hope you will forgive me. I want to apologize again for kissing Chase..... he's such a jerk. And for believing Blair that you two kissed and more.

I know you better than anyone & I should have known you would never kiss another girl!!

I won't blame you Ty if you never want to see me again; but this whole experience has taught me a lot about you, us, and myself.
I hope through all this I've matured and become a better person.

Ty, I'll do anything to make this up to you.
I love you more than you will ever know!
And I have not forgotten our little girl; Lyndy.
I think about her every day, and I want her to look just like you.

Ok, I'm done.

Now it's your turn to say something Ty....

Ty looked at her & softly said her name.........Amy.

Yes, it's very obvious that you've become .......wiser, and a better person.

Amy, I'm sorry I got so angry, it's just when you left this box for me, it hurt more than everything my parents ever did. I worked hard to be a better person and become the kind of man you would want as a boyfriend. I thought my promise ring made my intentions pretty clear.
I promised your mom I'd work hard and make her proud of me. That promise extended to you too. My promise ring carried my word of honor to love only you Amy.

But when I saw this box on the kitchen table, I was devastated, and angry. I was angry at Blair for lying and angry at you for believing her.

This box hurt me Amy!! It tore me apart!! Watching you flirting with Chase was a punch to my integrity. I came real close to walking over to him & punching his sly smile right off his face!! I was so mad, I might have messed him up really bad. But I heard Jacks voice in my mind, telling me to calm down.

Ty sighed and stared at nothing. But he fought to hold his tears back. He was a man, and men didn't cry.

The man I had worked so hard to become wasn't good enough for you. I don't want to rehash this Amy, but I thought you knew me well enough to know I would never cheat on you!! Ever!!


Amy buried her face in her hands and wept. She tried to speak through her tears but couldn't. She looked up into Ty's eyes and for the first time he saw her devastation. Finally desperate to tell Ty her feelings, she picked up his hand, and with warm tears falling into his palm, she wrote him a message with her finger.....

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