Chapter - 16

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 16
By: mike hurley

Amy woke up at 5:30, she opened her eyes and looked at him. He was still there, in the river with Grandpa.

Some days, Ty could make her so mad she wanted to scream, but she figured part of his problem was being a man. They thought differently and saw the world differently. But push come to shove, Amy missed him terribly.

She would talk to him, maybe forgive him, then insist he tell others what he did. Public shaming sounded too harsh; it was just letting a few folks know how bad he hurt her. That's all.

In her mind, Amy had begun negotiating with Ty & and this way she met him half way. Giving a girl a promise ring then sleeping with another, was......despicable. Amy figured he would jump at her deal........ it was quite generous.

Amy walked into the Ranch House & grabbed a glass of orange juice, then went into her bedroom. She closed the door, and stared at her jewelry box. In a minute, she opened the bottom drawer & found it way in the back, where she put it a few days ago. She slid it onto her finger; Amy smiled, it was still beautiful.


Ellie woke from a cozy nap; she had time to think & decided to give Ty a break. He had a lot going on, with a new job, new city, & new home, new school, new friends, and ......a bad break up. Ellie decided pushing him for intimacy right now might push him away. Ty didn't seem the type to be pushed around.

That was one thing Ellie liked about Ty; he was a man, and acted like it!!

They laid in the back of his truck, snuggled up in blankets. Ellie slipped her hand up under Ty's T-shirt & kissed around his belly button, then used her tongue to dive in & tickle him.

He jerked up from being sound asleep, instantly rolled her over & pinned her down.
He glared at her like he was mad. Ellie rolled her eyes and said; you can't fool me Mister!!
You're the kind of Yankee that wants to hold my hand walking up Grandfather Mountain!! I know your type!!

I'm not a Yankee!! Ty insisted while laughing.
Well, you're from up yonder, so that makes ya a Yank!! Ellie grinned as she tried to talk in Southern slang.

Ty rolled his eyes & replied; well, you're my prisoner, so make your final request before I tickle you to death!!

You ever hear of checkmate?? Ellie asked with a giggle!! Yes, but this isn't a chess game!!

Ellie pulled her left leg up & slid it between his legs....... Now Mr Yankee, it seems the tables are turned, and I have my weapon pointed directly at your 2 little buddies!! I can hear them pleading for their lives!! So I suggest you get up and raise your hands and surrender!! Before I induce numbing pain into you!!

That's unconditional surrender!!

May I plead your mercy ma'am, and beg your beautifulness to kiss my lips before I am shot?? I could recite a poem professing my love for thee!! Ellie laughed & said; spare me!!

Just hurry up and kiss me!! A Southern Belle shouldn't be left waiting!!

Ellie closed her eyes & Ty kissed her, she sighed and wondered who the girl was who let this treasure of a man go.....

They kissed a little while, then crawled out of the back of the truck. Ellie loved being with Ty!!

She took his hand & said; race you to Starbucks!! It's across the stream, & over the hill; can't see it from here....

You feel like a coffee?? No Silly!! I have to pee, and girls don't pee behind trees!! Are you going to race me or what??!!

Ty grinned & asked her to hold his water bottle while he tied his shoe. She took it & he took
off at a sprint!! Hey!! That's cheating!! You Yankee cheater!! She took off after him. He waited for her to catch up at the stream, then splashed her. Ellie splashed Ty & they were shouting words like war and revenge.

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