Chapter 1

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Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️
'The Box'
By; mike hurley

Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Amy was working with a woman client from Manitoba. She trailered her Tennessee Walking Horse through 3 Provinces to seek Amy's help. The Miracle Girls reputation had spread. Oscar had no interest in going on trail rides especially those that had trees. He was terrified of trees, especially those he deemed 'too close' to him. After 2 sessions, Amy poured through her mother's notes and found nothing. Her only thought was perhaps a tree branch fell on Oscar at one point & induced a significant fear of trees (Hylophobia). She set down the last of her mother's journals and dialed Ty's number. He was good at helping her solve difficult behavior issues. She shook her head in disbelief that she actually called her ex-boyfriend and quickly hung up. She slumped back in her chair and wondered what he was doing. She missed Ty and despised him at the same time. Life had been very hard since their breakup; he was way more than a boyfriend. Ty was a partner, or maybe a 'pre-partner'; they had no real practice or business yet.

Most importantly, Ty was Amy's best friend.

Soraya called Ty, Amy's soulmate. Ty often knew what she was thinking. They had slept together often, and had sex; but not real sex yet, Amy told Ty she wasn't ready. He never pushed her and had been a gentleman in how he never brought it up again. Amy sighed; Ty knew her better than anyone. She missed him, but she was done with him. She knew him better than anyone too. Amy stared out into the barn at the place they first kissed. She missed him....... she never wanted to see him again.

Amy knew going forward she needed to be more decisive in completing the disconnection of their lives. She thought it might help a lot if Ty changed his phone number, so she would never have to talk to him again. She thought about suggesting that to him. Amy thought of a plan and would send him a text with the details. Even if he changed his number, Amy felt peaceful that she could still contact Ty in an emergency. They had lots of mutual friends & she assumed he found a place in town to live. She had to concoct a plan of action if she bumped into him in Maggie's, or if Grandpas truck broke down & he stopped to help.

Amy got up to go help grandpa with dinner. She closed the barn door, stopped and wondered what type of lipstick Blair wore.
Did Ty like how she tasted. Amy knew Blair's breasts were smaller than hers; they certainly didn't fill Ty's hands like hers did.
Put simply.......Amy missed Ty quietly holding her when she didn't feel good. A man's arms were as strong as the Grand Canyon, yet gentle enough to hold a baby.
Amy cursed Ty's name and went back into the barn. She missed a man's hands on her body, and the excitement he could induce into her. She grabbed her cell and typed him a text, she was being decisive!!

Ty, this is Amy. Could you come to the Ranch House tomorrow, late morning. There will be something in the kitchen for you.

She hoped her 'this is Amy' comment would keep him up all night with worry.
She thought of typing; 'Sincerely, Amy' at the end but she never liked smart ass comments. She almost hit send, but decided to wait until she set the box in the kitchen.

Amy needed a box, no going back now. She stopped and stared at her text & thought of how diligently Ty worked to help find Spartan. She thought of the fight he had with Wes and the comment about doing anything for her, he made in the barn.

Amy saw in her mind the officer putting Ty in handcuffs. She remembered being terrified he'd spend his life in jail.......for some half baked scheme to get Spartan back.  Her half baked scheme. But that's who Ty was, he'd willingly go to jail, to protect Amy. 

She thought of kissing Ty........he was an amazing kisser.

His strong arms holding her tight, his lips pressed against hers, his glorious rough beard stubbled face.
Her soft breasts pressed firmly against his muscular chest.
And........her hips pressed against his; Amy felt Ty become a man, in mere seconds, he was ready to take Amy all the way ....... to heaven and beyond.
Ashley told her sex with a man was a transcendental experience.  Amy knew Ty needed her, but he never pressured her.  Where would she ever find a man so strong he tamed his desires for her.

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