Chapter - 40

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter - 40 / 'The Rose Locket'
By: Mike Hurley

Ty was happy, as he drove to Erik's house, he would give Amy the rose locket and was so excited, imagining her smile and excited kiss.
He sat at a traffic light and yawned, it had been a long day. Tutoring advanced math classes was tough & it drained him.
Ty looked in the mirror, he looked tired, the light turned green & he let out the clutch & continued on. He wanted to pull over & sleep for 15 minutes, but that always drew attention.
He remembered what was in his dirty clothes basket at his apartment. Ty was a man, he sighed and knew it's what he needed......


Soraya sat at her bedroom desk and wanted to punch Ty!! Men could be such idiots some times.  Clinically, she understood how they thought. But, as a woman; she had no clue.
Ty made no sense; he decided to get back together with Amy, but the one thing that was precious to her.....he wanted to sell.
Soraya stared at her doctorate hanging on the wall. She was taught not to group patients in categories based on supposition; but selling a promise ring, .....was something a guy would do.

Amy!! She sighed. Soraya loved her best friend like a sister. She needed to find a tactful way to warn her.....Ty was selling the promise ring!!


Amy stirred the cheese into the warm noodles,
When it was all melted, she poured it into a big crock casserole dish. She glanced at the recipe & sprinkled bread crumbs on top, a little  melted butter, then slipped the big dish into the oven......  under Barbara & Barbaras's  mom Nancy's guidance, she was becoming a good cook. Nancy even taught Amy how to cook with less dirty dishes......"a seasoned cook doesn't need measuring spoons....
Open your palm".......
Amy watched the old woman as she poured a small pile of salt into Amy's hand....."see, this is 1/2 teaspoon". Nancy poured the same amount again...... "Now you have a teaspoon". Amy smiled & thought of her mum and grandmother. They were both good cooks too.

Amy poured herself a glass of iced tea and sat at the kitchen table. She thought about an old friend of hers & pulled out her cell phone.
She scrolled to the 'B's and selected a name & pressed send.

Amy listened to the phone ring 27 times, then an old voice said......hello.

Amy smiled and replied;  Hi Mrs Bell, it's Amy!!
How are you??

No, I closed my bank account last week at Florida American Bank!!

Mrs's me.... Amy!!
Your friend Amy!!
You know........  Amy & Ty!!

Oh.....Amy??  Is it you!!??

Yes!! It's me Mrs Bell!! How are you??

Oh, I'm fine. I was just working my bees. I saw the queen today!! She moves so fast & all the worker bees scramble & get out of her way. She's hard to find usually, but I saw her today.
Honey, did you find your Ty??

Yes!! Amy shouted into the phone!
I found him, we're back together!! I love Ty!! He loves me!! Thank you for helping me!!

Oh you're welcome Amy!!

I found him in North Carolina. Near Grandfather Mountain.....

No, my grandfather has been dead over 40 years Amy.
Where did you find Ty at honey??

North Carolina!! Boone, North Carolina!!

Oh, Boone! My that's a long ways off from Hudson. I've been to Boone Amy. My sister Emmy lived there years ago. It's beautiful there!!

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