Chapter - 5

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Shattered Dreams; She wouldn't even say good-bye.

A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley

Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 5

Caleb rubbed his eyes as he poured Captain Crunch in his favorite bowl. He set the box down, turned to get the milk and knocked the Captain Crunch box on the floor!! Sugar!! This stupid trailer is too small!! He reached for the box and felt a piece of paper. He pulled it up and read. It was from Ty.

Omg!! Ashley!! Ty left!! He's gone!! Moved away and said get lost to Amy. That's crazy!!
Ty's my best friend!! He couldn't even have a beer and say good bye!! What the Moses!! This pisses me off!! He spun around and knocked his entire bowl of cereal on the floor!!
He walked outside and sat in his truck. Why?? He said to no one in particular. He spoke again and wished Ty were here to hear this!!

He opened a text to Ty and began typing:

Hey man, I never had any brothers. Just two stupid sisters!! Totally irresponsible and both pregnant by 17. But you Ty!! You were destined to be my brother!! I mean YOU!! You are my brother!! Absolute and closer than real blood, hey man I chose you to be my brother and you're not wigging out on this dude. I'm coming to find you Ty!! You need your brother in a time like this!! I'll help you figure this out!! No brother of mine is leaving without a proper good by!! A guy hug is comin' after you dude!!

He ran back into his trailer and got dressed. Kissed the sleeping Ashley and left her a long note:

hey hon, went to find Ty!!
Love ya!! You're beautiful babe!! ❤️

Caleb knelt down and quietly lifted up the bottom of a kitchen cupboard, reached down into a small cavity & pulled out $300.00. He grabbed his keys, wallet, phone, charger, several waters, lightly kissed Ashley again on her cheek. He stared at her for a moment and watched how soundly Ashley slept. Caleb smiled;.......he attributed her deep sleep to his skill in satisfying her last night. He stood straight and tall, like the virile male he was. Caleb walked out the door. He ran back in and said: I'll never leave you Ashley!!
Oh, and by the way, I love you babe!! Lots!!
He smiled and said; ok!! She was still sound asleep. He stood next to his truck bed and decided what else to bring. He loaded his tool box, jumper cables, and sleeping bag.

In 5 minutes he and his turbo diesel were in hot pursuit of his best friend and brother. Caleb had enough faults to fill a closet, but if he decided to be your friend, he was your friend through good times and bad!! He stood by Ty closer than a brother!!

Caleb stopped at a Sinclair station and filled both tanks. He checked the oil, antifreeze, and added a gallon of windshield fluid. Kicked the tires and tapped his truck on the hood and said, ok baby, I need your speed today!! This is no pleasure ride!! He checked his watch, plugged in his radar detector, turned the key, and floored it.

Both throttle bodies roared & sounded like Rolls Royce jet engines as they sucked in tons of air.

Amy knew Ty better than anyone; but Caleb was a close second. He knew instinctually where Ty was headed. He turned north and merged into light traffic on DeerFoot Trail, in 21 miles he took the exit to Trans Canada Highway 1, and pushed the accelerator to the floor. The intake manifold roared. Henry Ford's 400 horses raced onto the highway at a full gallop. They headed east to Saskatchewan. Caleb followed the speed limit for an hour, till he left metro Calgary and the local RCMP far behind.

He checked his speed: he was right at the posted speed limit; 120 kilometers per hour. He checked his mirrors and turned on his radar detector and cruise control. He pushed the accelerator down several inches. Right at 200 KPH, Caleb hit the 'Set' button on his cruise. Just a walk in the park for his big 10 cylinder diesel. He was cruising at take off speed for a typical small airplane. He figured Ty could get maybe get 100 KPH out of his old GMC, so Caleb hoped to overtake him soon.

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