Chapter - 18

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Shattered Dreams
Chap 18 / 'Birds, Bees, & Mrs Bell'
By; mike hurley

Jack got up at midnight to pee, & looked out the kitchen window; lights were on in the barn.........

He touched her shoulder & said, Amy, hey!! It's after midnight, come on it's time to tell Ty goodnight and get to bed. You sleeping upstairs tonight?? Ohhhhh!! My neck hurts, I laid my head down on the desk at 10:30 & fell asleep. I'm sorry Grandpa, what did you ask about upstairs?? Are you sleeping in Ty's loft tonight. Uh huh, I feel closer to him up there. Amy, can I get you a glass of water or orange juice, maybe a cup of tea??

Sure, but let me help. Grandpa, would you sit with me in the hayloft for a few minutes. I've been opening the doors at night & watching the city lights from Hudson. It's peaceful up there.

They walked into the Ranch House together & Amy put a pot of water to boil, then opened the cupboard over the coffee maker; Let's see what Lisa stocked us with......
Celestial Seasoning Chamomile or Sleepytime are always nice before bed. Amy, I'll have whatever your having.

In a few minutes they sat on hay bales and looked out over the sleeping Ranch. Off in the distance they saw the twinkling city lights of Hudson. Nothing was said for a long time;
Finally Jack spoke; so how'd it go today Amy??

She sighed and took another sip of Sleepy Time. I don't know Grandpa, it's been almost a week of constant calling, so far I've called well over 2000 vet clinics. One place had a Sy Borden, that was an interesting conversation!! But I feel like a girl in a life raft, adrift in the middle of the ocean. There's a hole in the bottom & I bail water constantly
for hours & I'm not getting anywhere Grandpa. I'm getting tired of bothering nice &
busy office workers with the same stupid question, over and over. Good afternoon, I was wondering if Ty Borden works there. No?? Ok, well thank You!!

I sound like a telemarketer. You know what else....... I can't find my promise ring; it's really Ty's but he left it on the kitchen table the last night he came by.

I'm baffled why he left it; I mean he could have sold it and gotten some money.......

It's in the office somewhere. I want to wear it again, somehow it might, you know reach out to him or something!! Is that silly Grandpa?? Amy, nothing is silly about love!!

What would I do without you Grandpa??!!
Amy got up and wrapped her arms around her grandfathers neck and cried. I just want to give up Grandpa; this is too hard......

Oh God, what am I going to do?? I'm turning away customers and I have nothing to show for it!! Nothing!!

You have love to show for it Amy. Your love for Ty is strong enough to climb a million mountains!! Just you showing up every  morning & start climbing speaks volumes about you and our family. We don't give up Amy when times get hard. Plus, You know what??


In the morning I'm going to help you with your calls!! Ok??

Oh Grandpa, I love you so much!!

I wish Ty was here so he could carry me to bed; I'm so tired!!!

After a few minutes, Amy said; he used to carry me to bed, then a few hours later, I'd quietly sneak up to his loft & sleep with him.
He'd set his alarm for 4:00 so I could be back in bed before you woke up. Does that surprise you Grandpa. You're probably disappointed in me, that I hid this from you.......

No, not really and I knew all about it!!

Amy stood up & grinned, then replied; how!!??
How did you know??!

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