Chapter - 61

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 61
By; Mike Hurley

Jack had his ringer turned off but saw the call come in. He pressed send & was Amy.

Hi honey, how are you???

I can't sleep Grandpa, but I'm ok.
You still in the hospital??

I'm going to walk out of here tonight if these people don't discharge me.
Why can't they have fly fishing stuff here!!

I'm sorry grandpa!!
Did they say what caused your heart to stop.

Oh yeah, same old thing, I forgot to take my pills. I got a lecture from some 16 year old lady doctor who thinks she knows everything!!

Grandpa, she's right & it's ridiculous that a grown man can't remember to take a little pill at breakfast!! Why is that so hard grandpa!!

How's Ty!!??

Don't change the subject!!
I asked you a question Grandpa!! I deserve an answer!!

Amy!! Please don't get mad at me!! I don't like it when you act all.....

Act All what Grandpa??

Like Lyndy!! She used to tear into me like a wildcat if I didn't take care of myself!!

Grandpa!! Maybe you need a wildcat!!
I wish grandma was here to get after you!!

Amy!! Please!! I don't need this!!

You scared the hell out of me grandpa!!
Cindy had to do CPR, she called me from the ambulance!! I'm still upset thinking about your heart stopping!!

Amy I don't want you mad at me!! Please!!

Grandpa!! You got mad at me when I went off to get Spartan back and Ty almost went back to jail!
You were furious with me!!
Well that's how I feel now about you not taking your heart meds.
Do I need to call you every morning to remind you to take your pill??

No!! No Amy!! I promise I'll take it every morning!!
Can we talk about something else??

I'm coming home to see you.


Because I love you Grandpa!!

Are you crying Amy??

A little!!
I can't have anything happen to you!!

I'm fine Amy!! I'll take my pill every morning.
I'm fine.
Please don't cry!!

Ok!! I'm sorry!!

There's no need to come home Amy!!
Caleb & Cindy are here!!

Yeah but I'm your family grandpa!!

You need to stay with Ty, you two need time together after all you went through finding him.

Ty wants me to go Home & check on you; he's worried too.

When are you coming??

In a couple days.

Amy, before you come; listen to your heart and if your trip is going to strain your relationship with Ty, I want you to stay there.
Do you get my drift??

Yes Grandpa!! I'll do as you say. If everything with Ty is good, then I'll come!!
I love you sooo much!!

I love you too Amy!! I promise I'll take my pills!!


Tell Ty I said hello, & I'll call him soon.
Remember..... no tears ok!!

Yes grandpa....... No tears!!
Amy smiled & whispered good bye.

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