Chapter - 31

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 31 / by; mike hurley

Amy yawned & stretched; it was the Americans' Thanksgiving Day. She & Ty were going to Erik & Barbara's for the day. To help cook, set up tables & chairs, then after dinner dishes and put everything up. It was 6:30, she heard a noise in the kitchen.....,

Ty, are you up??

He knocked & said; Amy, can I come in??

Sure Ty!!

She watched the door open & stared at Ty holding a tray with breakfast on it. Poached eggs on toast, sausage patties, hash brown potatoes and her favorite juice..... orange.

Happy Thanksgiving Amy!!
He set the tray in front of her & kissed her cheek.

She smiled and started to cry just a little.

Amy looked up at Ty & said; Happy Thanksgiving Ty!! Thank you!!

Grandfather Mountain called them Amy & Ty.

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