Chapter - 24

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Shattered Dreams - Chap 24
Ty......"I want us to be Ty & Amy again"
By; mike hurley

"I never knew what love was until I met you, and now I can't imagine my life without you".  Amy Fleming

The bathroom door was cracked, and Amy could see her Grandfather shaving.  She marveled at how calm he seemed on this trip.  She sat on the edge of her bed and looked around the quant hotel room.  A painting of sunflowers on a mountain named Grandfather hung over her bed.  A similar painting hung over Jack's bed, with a myriad of birds in a tree on the same mountain.
Amy thought of the incredibly arduous journey she had undertaken to get here for months.  Endless phone calls, tear-filled nights, her talk with Mrs Bell and the University students helping her find the place that matched her bird recording.  For Amy, the past 6 months had been the worst of her life. Well, worse after her mother's death.  Amy felt sick to her stomach, her emotions were a wreck and her tears never took a day off....

Yes, honey.....

I want to go home, Grandpa.  I can't do this. I'm going to call the airlines and book our flights home.

Amy, you're a Bartlett.  We don't run from our struggles.  We face them head-on.  And I'm here to help in any way I can.

But Grandpa, I'm the most scared I've ever been, in my entire life.  I can't do this.


Yes, Grandpa.....

The night you and Ty went to rescue Spartan from
Wes and Ty got arrested.  You said you saw the police officers pushing Ty into the backseat of the patrol car.......he was in handcuffs.  Why did Ty risk getting arrested that night??

To protect me. 

Do you think he loved you?

Yes, he loved me, and I was scared about that too.

Do you think Ty was scared as the police handcuffed him?

Yes. His eyes looked scared. I'll never forget watching as they handcuffed him.  And I know what you're doing Grandpa.  Ty was brave back then.  And you're telling me I need to be brave today.

The bathroom door opened a little & Jack stuck his head out.  Amy, what I'm telling you is when you love someone, you will even go to jail to protect them.  If you love Ty, you'll stay and go tell him why you love him.  And your love for Ty will help you be brave.  So when you're scared today, just think about Ty being in those handcuffs to protect you. 


Ty set the alarm for 5:00 am;  tomorrow was a very busy day.

He wrote up the following schedule to remember everything for the next day:

Get up & immediately open Ellie's little present before his wood goes down. Think of soaping up Ellie's breasts in the shower to keep it up if needed. Eat breakfast, work out with bosu ball, & a few weights, 150 push ups, 150 sit ups, a few minutes of strengthening exercises.
Iron his new white shirt with ironing board he borrowed from Mrs Jackson. Shine new shoes. (Lou taught him to iron a few years ago, the night before he gave Amy her promise ring). Leave for work at 6:45. Leave for home at 1:00. Pick up tux. Buy flowers for Ellie, Go home, eat lunch, shave, shower, clean under fingernails & shave down below; get dressed.
Ellie picks him up in her Porsche at 2:30.
Drive to Boone Municipal airport. Ellie's grandmother's 8 passenger private jet with her pilot picking then up at 3:00. Fly to Dulles International Airport, limo to White House.
White House State Dinner 6:00 pm.
Flight leaves for Boone at 10:00, open hotel room & undress Ellie at Midnight to 1:00. Hope he can keep it up long enough to satisfy her; an hour is a long time!!  Ellie has high expectations for her man.

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