Chapter - 52

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Shattered Dreams
"A wisdom that spanned generations"
Chapter 52 / by; mike hurley

Dr Johnny stood next to Ty, their 4 gloved hands were inside of Mae's abdomen.
Molly stood ready with tiny surgical stitching.
Amy stood next to Ty, and watched. She had never seen anything like this before. She slid her hand into Ty's pocket & watched his eyes. He was cool as a cucumber, totally focused on their aorta repair. The procedure was new to Ty; it wasn't covered in school till next year.

How many of these surgeries have you done Johnny??

Oh, maybe a dozen. They're pretty rare, for a vet to get involved with.
Usually if an equine aorta ruptures, the animal is dead in seconds.

Amy smiled and thought of her mother, standing next to Clint, in the Costco parking lot and offering Ty a job at Heartland Ranch. Everyone else saw a young man with no future. But Marion Fleming saw much more.
Amy missed her mum, she had perceptions and instincts about all sorts of things that Amy struggled with. She remembered her mother encouraging her to learn and explore, and gain experience.

Amy glanced around and saw blood everywhere, even on the ceiling, and in Ty's hair. Saving an animals life was often a messy state of affairs

1 1/2 hours had elapsed from Amy's frantic search for Molly.

Ok, Ty, cut that corner of the surgical sleeve, & Molly, you can begin stitching up.

You two are close to finishing, just stitch up the liver, flush out any debris, and pull the pole out and sew her up. Mae's going to be fine, because she had a dedicated team helping her.
Ty, her aorta had been ripped up real bad by one of those splintered ends of the pole.
By you just pushing it a little, it ruptured.
If it hadn't ruptured now, it would of in a few weeks when she was exercised. Unbeknownst to you and Molly, you two saved her life!!
And Ty, your quick thinking reduced her blood flow till Molly and I came.
.......and actually, that pole might be hard to pull out; come get me or Erik if you need help.
You ok Ty??

I think so, but I was really freaked out Johnny!! Ty sighed.

You should have been Ty, watching the heart pump squirts of blood up to the ceiling is sobering, to say the least.
But by staying calm and thinking of how to stop the bleeding......well 3rd year Veterinary School is when we separate the boys from the men, and the girls from the women.
.......Now I'm tired of asking this Ty.......
I want you to come work for me for while!!

Ty grinned and Amy's eyes filled with tears......she hugged Ty. Amy was so proud of him.

And you Molly....... it's past time I promote you to Senior Vet Technician. That position comes with a substantial raise, a company car, and a 2 week vacation in Hawaii!!

Well, ok, probably not Hawaii!!
But I'm very proud of both of both of you!!

Amy gave Molly a hug & whispered; congratulations!!

You know Ty, seriously you could come work at my clinic for 2 weeks, just to gain a wider scope of experience, then return to Erik's clinic.

Do you think he'd let me??

No, and hell no!!
But I'm his cousin, and I can usually talk Erik into anything!!

I'll tell you a quick, funny story;....... let's walk outside & take a 5 minute break.

But first, who here has noticed Barbara's wedding ring??

Amy and Molly raised their hands & both said how gorgeous it is.

Well, I helped Erik pick out Barbara's engagement ring; now Erik is a highly intelligent man, but he has no skill in picking out rings for women.
He showed me this very ordinary looking ring, that was on clearance.
Clearance!! You don't give the love of your life a clearance ring!!
I about choked when he held it up. It's all he could afford, and he was desperate to give Barbara a ring. I said; Erik, Barbara is an amazing & beautiful woman who could have snagged any guy she wanted. But she chose you!! You don't give a woman like Barbara a engagement ring that's on clearance.

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