Chapter - 12

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Shattered Dreams; she wouldn't even say good-bye.

A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 12 / 'First dates and memories'

Kissing Ty!! That's what set him apart from every other guy. Soraya, when Ty held me in his arms and kissed me, I swear I could feel fireworks going off in my body!! We were so.......together!! I could kiss Tyler Borden for hours and beg him not to stop!!

He's that good a kisser?? Yes, he's off the charts good. You miss anything else about him?? Amy thought for a moment and replied. Oh not really. Lots of little things like falling asleep with my head on his chest when he studied. I don't know Soraya, I know Grandpa's upset with my decision. But I expect a lot from any man I date. First off don't lie. 2nd, they're men!! Men have balls and they should know how to use them. In Ty's case it meant being a man and confessing he kissed Blair!! It's not rocket science!!


Ty look!! Ellie pointed to the northeast, from the highest point of her swing. Ty pumped hard and was motionless just for a second at the top of his arc. He saw the very tip of a Ferris wheel. He grinned, and said; Do you like carnivals??

Ellie giggled & shook her head yes & said; Ty!! I love carnivals!! Cotton Candy, the Ferris wheel, stuffed animals, roller coasters and all the rest. It's one of my favorite memories of my childhood. Do you feel like going tonight?! It's Friday, we can sleep in!! Absolutely!! Ty exclaimed. Let's go!!

Ellie screamed in excitement & they quickly slowed their swings, then leapt off at the same tine. She slipped & fell, Ty grabbed her hand & helped her up. You ok?? He asked. She felt her knee & said, just a little scrape, I'm
fine!! Ty knelt down & looked at it carefully.
Ellie grinned & said; I've never had a guy fuss over my knee before. Ty kissed her kneecap & said; there!! Good as new!!

Come on!! Ellie pulled his hand, smiling as the moon suddenly peeked out & lit Ty's face. She stared for a second at how handsome he was.  They ran out of the park.

In a couple minutes, Ellie pointed up the trail they had come; if we walk about 1/4 mile back we can take Grandfather Mountain Trail over to Smokey Road Trail & we should be there in maybe 40 minutes, unless you want to go home & take a car. Walking sounds good to me!! She squeezed his hand they walked for a few minutes & then Ty stopped.

Ellie,  I have to send a text real quick, I'm sorry.

Sure Ty!! Ellie thought nothing of it & looked at her Instagram page. What's your cell number?? Ty asked. ......she replied without hesitation; 770-555-1397. Ellie looked over at his phone & smiled; he's up to something; she told herself.

In a second Ellie got a text;

"Hi, would you go out with me?? .....on a date?? Maybe to a Carnival in Boone?? I hear they have cotton candy, roller coasters, and a Ferris wheel. Girls dig them!!

Ellie leaned up against Ty & typed her reply then hit send. 

Ty got her text; yes I will go out with you but I have one condition!!  Ellie hit send.

Ty read the the reply & typed; sure!! Name it!!

Ellie saw his response & typed; kiss me, ......a long kiss!!! ❤️. She giggled & hit send.

Ty read the reply & read it again, then looked at her. In his mind, he saw Amy for a second.
He instantly realized by kissing Ellie he was officially moving on. Amy would no longer be a part of him. Amy had made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with him. Ty realized he had the rest of his life ahead of him; that included pretty girls, dating, and someday, hopefully ......marriage, and a family.

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