Chapter - 46

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 46 / 'The Best Thing'
By: Mike Hurley

How's the Therapeutic Riding center today Amy??  Asked Ty.

Good, we've got the Mayor of Atlanta & some of his staff coming for a tour. A bus load of kids from Raleigh are spending the day here helping dig fence posts for a new outdoor arena. I guess it's sort of crazy here Ty!!
Amy laughed.......

You're quiet this morning Ty, is everything ok??

Yeah it's all good Amy; I've got a big test tomorrow & I'm a little stressed over that.
Shane is coming over tonight at 7:00; we're going to quiz each other on important items from Dr Zeelands lectures. The guy talks in monotone & puts everyone to sleep. Why would they make a guy like that an instructor??

I'm sorry Ty, can I help tonight?? Maybe read the quiz questions for you & Shane??

I thought you were baking a cake with
Mrs Jackson tonight??

I was but Mrs Jackson's daughter is in town for 2 nights, ......last minute plans.

You know, people should be more courteous and not just drop in. I mean it ruins plans and stuff.

Ty, it's her daughter.
Sometimes life happens.

Yeah, like you telling me you didn't care what I did, the barn, after Blair left. You were like telling me to go to hell Amy!!

Ty....... what's bothering you!!  Why are you bringing Blair up?? 

I told test tomorrow.

Ty.......there's something else. Something has you upset, please tell me what it is.

There's nothing Amy!!

Ty....... I can hear it in your voice.
You get straight 'A's in school; tests dont scare you.
You gave me a beautiful locket Ty; that means you care about me.
Well I care about you Ty, and I'd like to know what's bothering you.


I have a house call today at 2:00.


It's Mrs Tingley.

She's the little old lady with Herman, the
Cocker Spaniel, right??


So, Herman is sick??

He has inoperable liver cancer & is in a lot of pain. I'm going to euphanize him today at his home, on her bed, laying on top her bath robe. He loves to sleep during the day on Mrs Tingley's bath robe.
She wants him cremated with the bathrobe.

Oh my God Ty.....that's so sad!! Amy dried tears from her eyes.

You like Mrs Tingley......

I like her a lot Amy; she's been like a mom to me since I've been here. Herman and I are good friends too.

Do you want me to come Ty??  I will you know.


Yes Ty........

I'm worried I might cry. Doctors don't cry...
We're professionals. 

You're also human Ty, and you need to drop the masculinity crap and comfort Mrs Tingley.
Maybe she'll feel better seeing you cry.

That makes no sense Amy, why would my crying help Mrs Tingley feel better??

Ty..... it's a woman thing. You're a man & you'll never understand. Look, I'll be there at 2:00.

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