Chapter - 22

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Shattered Dreams / chapter 22
39,000 feet.
By; mike hurley

'Blue Ridge Animal Clinic, this is Becka, can I help you'??

Yes, I'm calling to see if Ty Borden works there?? He's a friend of mine..

Um, no, but you should try Boone Animal Clinic; he's a vet tech there. Do you need their number.

No, thank you, I have it!!
Thank you very much!! Thank you again!!

..........Boone Animal Clinic, is this an emergency, or can you hold??

Yes, I can hold.

Amy's heart was pounding in her chest; she was so close to finding where Ty worked. But after he called a few hours ago, and emphatically warned her, not to come looking for him.......Amy was scared.

Hi, this is Amanda, thank you for holding, how can I help you??

Yes, can you tell me if Ty Borden works there??

Yes, he sure does. He's not in at the moment, can I have him call you?

Um, no but thank you.

I could take a message......

No, that's ok, thanks.

Amanda heard the tears behind Amy's voice.

Are you ok, you sound a somethings wrong??

No, it's all good, but thank you.
Um, I'm an old friend of Ty's; I'll call back.


I know you can't answer this, but the last I saw Ty he was pretty upset & down. I was wondering if he's happy?? If life has gotten better for him?!

So, what's your name again??

I better go.........

Amy sat back in her chair and was overwhelmed with happinrsss, tears, fears, and all sorts of emotions.

She googled; Flights to Boone, NC and bought the earliest flight she could find...... one way.

Amy needed to talk to someone and she knew just the place to go, she saddled up Spartan and rode off towards the Upper Wildflower Meadow; a storm was blowing in but she didn't care.


Ty looked inside one last time. The little cottage had been his first home in the United States. It had made him feel safe and welcome. He closed the door & carried the box Amy had left on the kitchen table to his truck. Ty set it on the seat next to him; he had no idea why he still kept it. He had never looked inside. It was just an old box of Shattered Dreams.

Ty drove 2 city blocks away and turned into the driveway of an older 2 story home. He looked upstairs at his little apartment. The windows were open, curtains moved gently in a light breeze.

Good morning Ty!! It's nice to see you again!!
Hi Mrs Jackson!! You're flower garden is stunning!! I've never seen 6 foot tall dahlias!!
Well, I was Erik & Barbara's first renter after they bought this place. I asked if I could make this little corner a vegetable & flower garden. Barbara hugged me & returned later that day with a dozen tomato plants!!

I swear Barbara is the nicest person on the planet!! You got much to move in??
No, everything I own is in this truck!!
Well if you need anything Ty, let me know; I'm usually up till 10:00 each night. I've got an appointment at the beauty salon in 30 minutes. I'd better go. Getting my hair cut & dyed; makes this old lady look 2 weeks younger!! They both laughed.

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