Chapter - 25

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Shattered Dreams - chap-25
By; mike hurley

Amy laid on Ty's bed; just being in his apartment was soothing to her soul. Everywhere Amy looked, she saw him; his closet neatly organized, many of his flannel shirts & sweatshirts she had worn in the past, now hung clean and in order by season. He only owned 4 pair of shoes, 3 were lined up neatly on the floor. Clean and well maintained.

But Amy enjoyed looking in Ty's sock drawer most of all. He kept his valuables under his socks, a nice gold watch Clint gave him when he turned 18 & graduated from Clint's supervision; the note neatly folded under the watch:

I'm very proud of you today!! You turned 18 and have become a man. You're new family at Heartland loves you!! Best of luck to you Ty!! Call me sometime!!

She picked up an old ink pen, back in its day it was an expensive & exquisite writing tool.
Mr Bell received it as a gift from his grandmother when he graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Mrs Bell wanted Ty to have it when he started college.

There was the Nelson Lake Rodeo belt buckle grandpa had given Ty for taking care of Amy in Ashley's car crash. ....."and you got my granddaughter home safe".

That crash & time seemed so long ago. They had been through a lot together since then.
And, sadly too much apart.

Amy stared out the bedroom window & remembered how Ty worked so hard to win her love back. ....."I'd do anything for you".

Lastly, Amy carefully lifted out their photo just before they left the Ranch the night Ty gave her the promise ring. She hoped it was Ty's most valuable memory. She saw truck keys, a photo of his mom from years ago up at Eagle Lake; .......she was pretty. And another tiny photo of the neighbors little dog he was fond of as a boy.......

Amy remembered 30 minutes ago when Ellie & Ty left for D.C. Ty was so handsome in his suit, Ellie looked amazing in her dress. She took a photo of them with Ellie's I-phone. That was tough.....

Amy stood on the little apartment porch & watched them get into Ellie's Porsche. Amy was surprised when Ty turned and looked up at her, and smiled. He waved & looked at Amy for a moment. She wondered what was going thru his mind; would Ty still do anything for her??

What did that smile mean?? Amy had no idea. A woman could never fathom a man's mind. Amy had no idea why Ty was being so nice to her.

Maybe Ty's friend Shane would tell her. Amy's emotions were drained & she really didn't want to hang out with Ty's friend. She really wanted to just go home......

........but Amy was a Bartlett girl, & they didn't just go home in the middle of a crisis. She walked back in the apartment & asked herself, could this little place be my home for a while??

Just then Amy's text went off, it was from Ty.....

"Amy, here's a photo of me & Shane, so you know who it is when he arrives. He rides a Trek road bike & borrows my truck once in a while. Spare keys are in the top drawer next to dishwasher.  But Shane already knows that.....
When you leave, I do not lock my door; Boone is a safe & friendly town.
Have fun!! Shane is a character!! You'll like him, he likes to have fun!! He might take you dancing, lol!!
I'll be home around midnight.

Amy stared at the text, what about sleeping with Ellie. She thought this was their big night.
But Ty said it wouldn't happen. Was he breaking up with Ellie?? Did seeing Amy change his mind. Amy wondered if Ty still thought she was pretty??
And why would Ty tell her about sleeping with another girl anyways.

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