Chapter - 67

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 67
'Jackson Scott Borden'
By: Mike Hurley

Ty and Soraya continue their conversation ......

Ty, I think what's upsetting Amy is you decided to give Shane that much money without talking to her first.  Plus you assumed she'd be ok with you helping Shane, when in reality you never asked her.  Amy felt awful after Blair confessed to lying.
She worked hard to find you.  Do you have any idea how scared Amy was the day she knocked on the Boone Animal Clinic door?? 
What I'm saying Ty, is you and Amy, in your hearts are engaged to be married.
You want to marry her, and she wants to marry you.
Ok, that said, legally your money is yours, and Amy's is hers.  Once you marry, your sharing of resources and expenses will be blurred.
Everything you each own becomes the property of both of you.  Do you follow me, Ty??

Yeah, I guess, but I'm here dealing with an upset woman, tonight.  Talking about shared resources after we're married.......what does that have to do about anything, right now??

Good question Ty.  I'll try to explain.
So, the laws of Alberta & Canada say your money belongs to you until you marry.
We call that the letter of the law; it's in print & we can go look at it.
But there's something called the
'Spirit of the Law' which implies, out of respect and love for Amy.  You should be talking to her about any big purchases and in your case, loans you make.  You live together Ty, use this engagement time to practice handling money, and making decisions as a couple.
Ty, from what you've told me, & your argument with Amy, .........that's what hurt her feelings.
You should have sought her input into your desire to help Shane with a loan......  And to be fair, for any big purchases Amy makes, she should get your input too.  Many couples divorce because they cannot agree on spending.
Ty,, and how it's managed is a big deal in a marriage.

I'm sorry Soraya. 

Ty, you need to apologize to Amy, not me; and being engaged means you're each still learning things about the other, and making mistakes.
So don't be too upset ok.  You have a good heart Ty, you love Amy, and you love your friends.  And as Amy's best friend, I'm really glad she chose you to marry. 
You're a good man Ty Borden.  And I don't worry about Amy when she's with you.

Ok, so I'll apologize in the morning.

Ty, you need to apologize tonight & you and Amy need to talk this through.  But let me call & talk to her first.  I need a few minutes to take care of something here, then I'll call Amy right away.  Ok??

Thanks, Soraya, I feel better after talking to you!!


Amy lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Her mind was busy trying to make sense of what just happened.  She was trying to understand Ty's motives, their joint decision to help Andrea & Shane with their pregnancy & after the baby came.  And Amy was still upset with Ty for making a decision that affected her engagement ring and their relationship.

But, for the first time, Amy tried to see things from Ty's point of view.  Ty was a loyal friend to her, and to his other friends.  Knowing how his loyalty & kindness was paramount in Ty's personality.
Amy now understood how important it was for Ty to loan Shane money. Both Amy & Ty had expressed the desire to help Shane & Andrea through their pregnancy.  But they had never actually sat down & discussed handling money as a couple.  Maybe that lack of communication was the real problem & not Ty.
Amy sighed & wondered if other couples had to work so hard at making their relationships
work.  She was furious at Ty right now, but Amy ignored her anger & remembered how hard she worked to find him, just several months ago.....

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