Chapter - 63

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 63
"It's my job to protect Amy"
By: Mike Hurley

Ok Jack, I'll come home. Nothing new is happening at school until Wednesday.
What if I try to book a flight for tomorrow & I'll return here Tuesday.
I'll ask about getting time off at work, I can't promise as we're pretty busy.

I understand Ty, I appreciate you trying.

Is it ok I tell Amy I'm flying home??
You said it involves both of us.  But you want to talk with me??

You've always been perceptive Ty; ......
no, let's not tell Amy anything until after our first talk.
Let me know your eta, and I'll try to get her out of the house somehow......  when you arrive.

Maybe Cindy can think of something.  Those two have never met till today, but I get the feeling they're already good friends. 

Jack....... Thank you for traveling with Amy to
Boone.  I've never thanked you, but I know you're being here helped us tremendously.

It's no problem Ty, early on I knew you two would end up together. You're good for each other, everyone saw it......but you & Amy.

Um Ty, I'll write you a check when you're here for your airfare.

That's ok Jack.

Listen Ty......I'm paying for your flights; this is not up for discussion!!  Don't argue with your father.

Ty smiled. 
Even though Jack wasn't his real father, Jack had told him he considered Ty to be his son; and Ty cared for Jack like a father.
They shared a bond, few would understand.


Amy stepped out of Jack's truck and took a deep breath!!
Oh it's sooo good to be home; but you know, it's like I have 2 homes.  Here and Boone!!

Amy smiled & watched as Cindy picked the sleeping Maddie out of Jack's truck & carried her inside. Amy wanted kids someday with Ty; she wanted to be a mom, and all that comes with motherhood.

Maddie.....honey, you can't sleep on the floor.
Could you go lie down on your bed & I'll wake you for dinner!!

Amy smiled as Maddie walked out of the kitchen. Her eyes were closed. She was adorable!!

Cindy lowered the crock pot temp & turned the oven on for the biscuits.
So Amy, have you & Ty talked about having kids someday??

Um, not sure if we've ever talked about it actually.......Amy laughed.
But I definitely want kids.  I'm guessing Ty does too.  I think Ty would be a great father.

Caleb & I are thinking about having another, you know a sibling for Maddy.  And it would be different this time for us.......we'd go through the pregnancy, delivery, and child rearing together.
I believe one of the many ways you love your husband, is by having his children. I can't wait to give birth again, and lay that tiny life into Caleb's big hands. My guess is Caleb will cry; I mean he holds so much inside, I guess all men do you know. But when you hold your child for the very first time!! WOW!!


Ty sat on the bed & held Amy's bra to his nose.
He breathed through it, like one of those airline drop down oxygen masks. He didn't consciously do this; it just happened,
like people who pop a candy in their mouths when they're stressed.

Somehow Amy's lingering scent calmed him.
His mind was running through all the things he needed to pull off to fly home.
School wouldn't be a problem this week.
He needed to buy his plane ticket asap, preferably tonight. But getting off work was the big unknown. He didn't see why it would be a problem, but Ellie was the temporary office manager & her emotions were a wreck, when Ty left her at the clinic, about an hour ago.

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