Chapter - 19

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter - 19
'Ty, you have a visitor'
By; mike hurley

Amy heard ringing, then.......
'London Animal Clinic, can you hold"??


5 minutes later;
How can I help you??

I was wondering if Ty Borden works there??


Ty Borden.

Oh, ok, well I'm new here, let me check, hang on.


Hello, you said Ty like Tyler Borden?!


Ok, we're checking.........

More music.........

Ok, sorry to keep you waiting, but there's no Ty Borden here. I'm sorry!!
Is he a friend of yours??

Um, yes.

Well you might try Advantage Veterinary, they're on Treemint Street. Would you like their number??

No, but thank you for your help!!

It was 6:15 am; Amy decided to add 2 more hours of calling every day to Eastern Time Zone Provinces & States. She'd been up at 4:30 and was sleepy. Some calls seemed to take forever........


Air Canada 2210, this is Atlanta Tower;

Roger Atlanta Tower, this is Air Canada 2210.

Air Canada 2210, come to heading 097, reduce airspeed to 130 knots, decend to 8800 feet and hold.


"Hi Amy, wow!! I can't believe school is almost over!! Will you go celebrate with me in a couple weeks??
Just an FYI, I'm on a flight to check out a school I sort of like. Ty lives nearby, I'm going to stop by and see how he's doing.
Just thought you should know"!!

Soraya read her text 3 times, and still couldn't decide. The term 'Data Asphyxiation' crossed her mind and was a vote to delete it.

But Ty was Amy's ex & she was working constantly to find him; maybe she should know. But maybe Amy would worry more, or possibly put Soraya in the middle of an argument with Ty.

Or Amy might get mad and say; Hey, what do you mean Ty doesn't want to talk to me,
Soraya squeeze his balls until he says yes!!

Then Soraya thought of her mom's comment;
'If my best friend did that to me, I'd be pissed'
Then she heard her Professors voice, admonishing the class to 'trust your gut more when you're not sure what to do'. Once you're practicing and seeing 10 patients a day plus hospital rounds, you won't always have time to research the hell out of everything. Build a repository of best case practices, and stick to them.

Soraya felt the plane begin descending to land; she looked out over the countryside of Georgia, peach orchards were everywhere.

Soraya made a gut decision and deleted her text to Amy. She hoped she wouldn't loose her best friend over this!!


Ty walked Missy the cat out to her owners and discussed her meds & discharge directions. Missy gave Ty a snuggle, she liked him.

He poked his head into Ellie's office & said; Good morning!!

Hi!! How'd you sleep Ty??

Pretty good, and you??

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