Chapter - 62

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 62
'Missing Amy'
By: Mike Hurley

Soraya plugged her laptop into the outdoor power outlet & sat at the picnic table.
It was a beautiful morning. She loved staying at Tom's place and sleeping in his bed.
It was a win win for her.

She loved his patio; enclosed by a brick wall & bushes and surrounded by dense trees.
It felt like sitting in a clearing in a thick forest.

And it reminded Soraya of being in Tom's & protected.

She took a deep breath and looked at her watch......Yoga Class at the gym began in 90 minutes. She & Tom usually went early and worked out, before class. But this morning she didn't feel like it. She was behind in her reports at work, and had rounds this afternoon at the hospital. She opened up her latest report on a new patient & read through her notes.
A 33 year old female, recently divorced and fired from her job.

She stared at her diagnosis at the end and still felt the woman was hiding something in their talks. But with the data she had.......
It was clear: 'Bipolar affective disorder'.
She took a deep breath & forwarded to her mentor, Dr Rihanna Mohamed, for review.

The screen door opened........

Why are you up so early babe??

I couldn't sleep so I decided to distract myself with work.

It's 4:45 am........What's wrong Soraya??

Nothing, it's all good. I'm just worried about 2 cases I feel I'm over my head in.
One is a split personality disorder that I've never actually seen in clinical. All I have to go on are class notes.

But you've graduated Soraya, you're a PHD.
Your employer should provide a mentor.

What else??

What do you mean what else??

Soraya....... I love you, and I know you.
There's something else bothering you......

It's Amy & Ty. She's flying home this morning.

You'll see her??

Of course.......we've been best friends since we were in grade school, I told you about Amy asking the teacher for a pencil, cause I was afraid to ask.

She's a special friend!!

Best friend.


Yeah. I miss her, a lot!!

Is something wrong with Amy & Ty??

Not clinically, but she's flying home today for 2 weeks. I'm worried they're not ready to be separated from one another. It's only been a few months now......they're getting along splendidly......I'm just worried about them Tom!!

Tom saw Soraya's eyes moisten; ....she was a woman.

Soraya stared at Tom's bare chest; .......he was a fine specimen of a man.

Come here babe......

She stood & Tom held her. Everything's going to be ok Soraya!!

How do you know that??

Because I know you, and you're Amy & Ty's friend.
You'll take care of them. That's what you do Soraya!! That's why I love you!!

She looked up into his eyes and kissed him tenderly. Soraya had never dated a guy before who truly cared for her. Even the way Tom held her, told Soraya how special this man truly was.
She pushed her body into Tom's, and was suddenly hungry for him. He was already hard for her.
Soraya listened to his heart, now beating fast.
She took Tom's hand and led him into the bedroom.

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