Chapter -3

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Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley

Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC
Chapter 3

Amy watched Chase drive off then walked into the kitchen for lunch. She wondered what Ty thought of the box she left him. Grandpa was reading the sports section and sipping on a cup of coffee. He looked upset. Lou was at the sink washing vegetables for dinner. Amy took two bites out of a Northern Spy Apple, it was crisp & delicious and she was starving. Lou looked out the window and said; It appears you're an expert now at breaking hearts, and kicking guys in the balls.

Amy stopped chewing, looked at Lou and said; excuse me??!!  What??!!

I saw that box you left for Ty, Grandpa said he gave to him. You couldn't even hand the box to Ty and say good bye, or good luck or get lost!!  You don't treat people like that Amy!! That's rude and not what our family does!! Mom would be embarrassed by how you treated Ty!!

Amy was pissed & threw her unfinished apple into the trash can and said; since when are you Ann Landers?? What?? Are you an expert on men and boyfriends now?? And don't preach to me about mom?? What would she say about the long list of guys you've screwed Lou!! Let's count them.......  So don't preach your Gospel of Mom to me!!

You sure danced around Peters heart, and where were you when Blair walked in this house behind Ty and kicked me in the balls!!
Ty said he loved me when he left on his stupid 'find himself' road trip, but he found some little brunette bitch to screw and made me feel like I was yesterday's news. All I hear is; poor Ty!!
Well what about me Lou!! I'm your sister!!

Ok Amy!! I get the Blair connection, I do!! Ty was an idiot!! But, he was beyond amazing and brave when he helped you get Spartan back. He was willing to go to back to jail to protect you from being arrested. Ty is far from perfect Amy, but he was the best thing that ever happened to you; and I can't believe how you ran him over like road kill.  You stood right here in this kitchen, all upset & beside yourself the night he got arrested, for helping you and your lame Nancy Drew - 'Rescue Spartan' amateur hour plan. Boy you about hugged Ty to death when Grandpa brought him in. Your hands were all over him!!

You're so full of it Lou!! In fact I bet every guy you date wears a cup; protection for when you kick each of them in the nuts!!

You're crazy Amy! Omg!! But you moved on after putting all Ty's stuff in a freaking box??!!  Just move on and be happy!!  Poof!! You are a piece of work Amy!! Damn you are!!  You need to grow a pair, and go apologize to Ty!!  You could be sitting in some rank jail cell right now, with a felony against your name, if it wasn't for Ty!! Grandpa!! Can you even imagine what Mom or Grandma Lyndy would say if they had to go visit Amy in jail!! Mom would have a nervous breakdown hiding a file in her purse for her little precious felon girl!!

Your so full of it Lou!! You go apologize to Scott for trashing his feelings. You were dating him and screwing the cop too, what's his name....Mark!!

Hey!! I didn't screw Mark or hurt Scott, he broke up with me!! He broke my heart Amy!! Get your facts straight!! Plus when I broke up with Mark I told him face to face why!! I didn't leave a cardboard box on the table and get Grandpa to do my dirty work!! Oh and I heard you were getting frisky with Chase out by the barn today!! I suppose you dragged him up into the loft and put a smile on his face!!

Lou!! You are such a weasel! I didn't do anything to Chase, he helped me with the police horses. Period!!  As for Ty, he should of seen the road kill coming when he drove up here with Blair's arms wrapped around his chest!! My feelings were run through the garbage disposal when mom died!! You had her funeral without me!! Now you're like Ty's attorney -and biggest fan!! Do you have a thing for Ty!!?? Well, no one is going to trash my feelings again. After Mom died I was devastated, and I couldn't do anything about it. Well, guess what Lou!! Now I can!!
Ty ran over my feelings, and I sent him packing. No one is ever going to hurt me again!! Not even you!!

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