Chapter - 13

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Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️❤️ By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 13/  'Please come back to me'!!

Amy set out 2 dishes & silverware, napkins & poured 2 coffees. She sat on the bench & watched as Ashley served their breakfast. Amy had no idea how, but Ashley was an amazing cook. They each were starving & took several bites of the omelet, when Ash asked her friend more questions.

So Ty helped you remotely by cell phone after the bear attack, & seemed to truly care for you. But now you have no idea how he is, or even where he is. Amy shook her head yes; I have no clue, I don't think he wants me to know.

Ashley stared out the window & said; I know you've never approved of all the guys I slept with before Caleb. Geez, and I even tried to get Ty in the sac several times but he only saw you!!  Ashley laughed, and thought for a moment.......22. Yup I slept with 22 guys starting when I was 15.

Johnny Jacobs was amazing & Raul Boyers was a dud, not even sure I should count him. 22!! Ashley!! Seriously!! I had no idea. Well I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed, but it was interesting in the least and exhilarating at its best. Do you remember that exchange student; Hans??

We did it in the gym ball room on a mat during math class. The Senior boys were playing a scrimmage against St Thomas just outside the door, & every time our team scored & we heard cheers, and Hans shoved harder. Omg he was amazing; I started to scream & he shoved my bra into my mouth.

I guess all I'm saying Amy, is if you would have met Ty's needs he wouldn't have ran off to find himself. I mean a happy dipstick makes the entire man happy.

Amy stared out the window & said; I don't know Ashley, I respect you're opinion, and probably most guys, want or need it, but I'm attracted to a guy who's strong enough to wait for me; .....when I'm ready.
I mean a guy who has the strength to control his urges has more balls than a guy who jumps in the sack every 5 minutes. Is that silly??

Ashley rolled her eyes and said, well no, but why would you waste a perfectly good man and all he has to offer.

Amy didn't say anything for a moment, then  asked her friend a question.  I started dating Heath Cutrell, we have a 2nd date this afternoon. A ride & picnic. Lou is insisting I jump his bones after lunch on the blanket out on the trail!!

Ashley laughed and said, you know me,  before Caleb, they called me: AAA!!
I would jump any man, anytime, anyplace!! But you!!  no!! Amy, no way!! I know you & your first time should be special. Not on a blanket with yellow jackets and ants bugging you. No!! Think romance & candles Amy!! In a bed, with a guy you love!!

Do you love Heath?? No!! Amy replied.

Then don't make any plans you won't be proud of the next day. Ok!! 

Be true to yourself. So just fool around with him a little & take protection just to be safe and you'll be fine!! Just remember, he's a man.....if you don't want to go all the way, just don't offer him too much at once!! Understand??  Men are so simple to control!! It's all about what you let them see!!

Amy gave her wild & crazy friend a hug. She loved Ashley because Ash ultimately told Amy what she needed to hear.

Amy left Ashley's & was on her way to Costco on Southbank Blvd in Okatoks. Her thoughts wandered & she thought a few minutes about sex. She had no intention of sleeping with Heath. None!! She simply found it intriguing how her sister & friend felt that was the natural thing to do on a 2nd date. She felt pretty safe with Heath but knew any woman could be vulnerable with a big man, up in the mountains all alone. She thought about buying a can of mace for protection but decided that was silly. Heath was a good neighbor of Soraya & he was delightful & respectful with her last night.

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