Chapter - 10

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Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 10

'911, What is your emergency'?!

Stumpy saw Jaspers ears go back; 'what do you see girl'?? He pulled gently on her reins & reached into his saddle bag for binoculars. In a moment Stumpy swore then said; bear!!
Let's go down to the creek & get you a drink, I need to call Eugene........

Eugene Mason turned the key in his Government Jeep Laredo & just heard clicking. Damn!! What now!! He said to the 2015 vehicle. He walked back into his office for the truck keys & heard the phone ring. Hello!! Hudson Conservation Office, Officer Mason speaking.....

Stumpy!! Don't you have anything more important to do than bother me!! Well of course I'm coming to Maggie's at 12:30 for lunch!! You old coot, the 6 of us have met for lunch starting on our first day after High School Graduation!! I must say, the way you're looking lately, that was 149 years ago!!
Eugene laughed as he heard Stumpy say he looked 359 years old.

Reports clerk Virginia Buttons was compiling data on deer & elk vehicle accidents as she listened to Eugene talk to his friend. He wrote Virginia a note (Can you call Thompson Jeep & have them pick up the Laredo. Tell them we don't want it back until it's fixed right!! Oh, and tell them per me; it's a POS!!). She wrote below his note; ('that's not professional Eugene'!! Using foul language is a sign of limited education')!! Stumpy was mumbling something about bear scat while Eugene wrote; ('ok mom'!! I happen to have a Masters degree in Forestry')!!

33 year old Virginia rolled her eyes and resumed her work. The two were good work friends who teased each other a lot. At the end of the day, Virginia would tell anyone, Eugene was the best conservation officer in Alberta. As much as she liked working with Eugene, he was still a man. She felt every man in Alberta had caveman tendencies.

Eugene listened to Stumpy as he pulled open the key drawer and looked for keys to the 2017 GMC Sierra.

Virginia rolled her eyes again as she overheard Eugene's conversation.......

Yeah, just routine, got a report of illegal campfires I need to investigate down by that little campground above Confluence Park. Right!! Well, you never know!! No, I carry my 22 but I usually don't pack my revolver. This is Canada Stumpy!!
Nothing dangerous much happens here.

Retire??!! Why the hell should I retire!! 71 is young these days!!


Really!! 3 head!! Damn!! We haven't seen bear for what, 6 year now?? Yup!! Ok, those campfires will wait, I'll be right over!! I'll grab you a coffee from Tim Hortons. Hey!! Have you called Jack?? Well, he's probably out in the barn, I think that phone on Amy's desk don't ring half the time. No way!! Seriously?? Where's he's off to. Well, damn he was a good tech!! Last month Scott was sick 3 days & Ty helped me out with my injured calf. Damn that's too bad, but you know what they say about 'young love'!! He & Amy were head over heals!! Haha!! Eugene looked at Virginia & raised his voice and said; well it's hard to find a good woman these days, most all them think they know everything!! Virginia laughed and gave Eugene a thumbs up & said; yup!! We do!! Ok see you in 30 Stumpy!! Bye!! ......... wait!! What??

Martha made donuts!! Damn!! I'll be there in 5 minutes!! You know some day I'll figure out why she chose an old dog like you to marry!! Haha!!
Ok Stumpy!! I will!! Bye!!

Eugene told Virginia about a bear killing cattle on Stumpy's ranch....... oh, and Stumpy said to tell you hi, and that you need to get out of this office & do something productive!!

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