Chapter - 45

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 45 / 'The Boy in the Loft'
By; mike hurley

After they finished, Amy could tell, Ty was exhausted. They had sex last night, after a bad fight. She had heard sex right after a fight ended, was the best there was. It brought a man & women incredibly close together in every way.

Whatever it did, Ty knocked her socks off last night with the magic his fingers played with her body, then his male thrusts that were so powerful, her head banged against the wall. He was always the gentleman, pleasing her twice while he wrestled with his raging desire to fill her with his seed. Finally, she whispered something in his ear, and he finished in a barrage of moans, 3 minutes later.
Then collapsed on top of her. She could feel his heart racing like a race horse.

Amy woke him this morning for more; what and how he delivered it, to Amy left her speechless. Like being unable to eat just one potato chip.......Amy wanted more of him.

She finished at the exact same time with Ty this morning; they were a couple and were practicing finishing together. Their 5:25 am
Simultaneous moaning was perfectly paired.
Ty poured all his energy into satisfying Amy, last night and this morning; so right now, he was sound, sound asleep.

It was 7:15, Ty needed to get up. It was Saturday & they had a lot to do. She had called to him from the kitchen, kissed him, shook him, turned on the alarm, massaged his shoulders, and wagged a piece of fresh cooked bacon under his nose.

Amy had made breakfast, a nice breakfast for a young couple in love. She told him breakfast was ready. She dipped her fingers in orange juice; then pushed them into his mouth.
He sucked the juice off her fingers, and was still sound asleep.

Finally Amy did what a girl had to do, to wake her man, and get him up.......... Mrs Jackson had brought up two pieces of a home made cherry cake she made last night with chocolate frosting.

Amy dipped her finger into some frosting & pushed it into Ty's mouth.
Instantly she giggled as Ty sucked on her finger's, woke up, & dipped his finger into the frosting on the plate she held in her lap.
He smeared it onto her lips, then kissed her passionately. Can I have you for breakfast??
Ty asked with a grin.....

Hey Dr Sleepyhead, DVM!! I made you a fancy breakfast!! Eggs, hash browns, bacon, and your favorite.....French toast with maple syrup from Canada!!

Dang!!!! What's the occasion??

The occasion is I love you!! And it's been a month since I arrived in Boone and met you at the door of the clinic.
I was ready to go home after that greeting, but here I am, living with you in your apartment.
And sharing your bed. We've come along way in a month Ty!! You gave me a beautiful locket too!!
Come on, before it gets cold......
She pulled him out of bed & helped him fit his gear into a pair of clean underwear, shorts, and an Appalachian State University t-shirt. Ty was a fine looking man, with or without clothes.
They sat next to each other at the tiny kitchen table. They visited about the day, Barbara's big summer party, which started at 6:00.
And Amy had something to discuss with him........

Ty, our weeks fly by, your busy with work, school, and homework. We go out usually on the weekend with friends for dinner or something. But is there anyway we could have more time for us on Saturdays??
One of my friends at the Therapeutic Riding Center, said there's a great place to go canoeing about an hour from here on the
New River. They rent canoes and have
1, 2, 4, or 6 hour rides. Could we go Ty, just you and me?? If we like it, maybe we'll take Sadie with us next time.

Amy that sounds nice, but I tutor most Saturday mornings.

Do you have to tutor Saturday mornings Ty??

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