Chapter - 43

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 43 / Promises.... old and new
By; mike hurley

Soraya closed the text from her cousin in Rhode Island & looked at the wall clock. It was 10:05 pm, and just after midnight in Boone.
Amy was probably asleep......
But Soraya knew she had to call her best friend. What had happened tonight was huge.


Amy!! It's Soraya!! I'm sorry to call so late & wake you......but I found your promise ring!!

You found what!!?? Where!! OMG!! Do you have it Soraya??? I was sound asleep, I'm sorry, I need to wake up.....
Where is it, Soraya??

Ebay!! Ty listed it on E-Bay for $525.00.
I've looked at EBay every night for weeks. It showed up tonight!!
I called Emine, my cousin who lives back East. I asked him to buy it for me; he offered $475.00 & Ty agreed. I transferred $475.00 to Emine, Ty's going to mail it once the funds have cleared. Ty's not going to have any idea about anything.
Emine will mail it to me, I'll set it in your bedroom, on your dresser.
You've got your ring back Amy!!

Amy sat on the side of the bed and smiled; a couple tears drifted down her nose. Ty's promise ring had tentacles that wrapped around her heart.
Ty gave that ring to me in the bed of his pickup over on Bakers Road, just past the old brewery. Oh God!! I love that ring!!
If he had asked me to marry him that day, I would have said yes!!
Soraya!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Please tell Emine I said thank you!!
Omg!! My ring!! I can't believe it.......
I'll send you the money Soraya!!
You're my very best friend.....
God, I love you!! Omg!! My ring!!

We'll talk tomorrow Amy, you go back to sleep!!

I can't sleep Soraya!! Oh God!! I need to see him!! I'm getting dressed & I'm going over to his apartment & I'm crawling into bed with him.

I thought you two were getting some space, you know....

We are Soraya. But the ring brings back so many memories. I need Ty to hold me.....then I want to sleep with him. Then I want us to....

Wait!!! Amy!! Too much information!!!

They both laughed!!

Amy, someday Ty might find the ring, I mean maybe in a year or 20 years, there's a good chance he's going to see it. He has feelings too Amy. You might want to consider talking to him about this.......maybe in a few months??

I can't handle that right now Soraya!!
I can't risk us having another fight!! I'm scared another argument might derail us again.

Amy, you & Ty have brought your reconciliation through a forest fire of hurts and emotions; you two are stronger than you realize.
How bad did Ty's selling the ring hurt your feelings Amy??

Pretty bad.

Well, Amy, honesty in a relationship is the glue that holds a couple together. If Ty hurt your feelings, he needs to know, without you beating him up. Ok!! Just be gentle with him, and it will be ok. I promise.
Ty was willing to do anything to get you back; he's a good man who adores you. Give him a chance to say; I'm sorry, then kiss him, and tell him you love him!! You & Ty need to develop positive conflict skills. You have a tendency to throw grenades in an argument, while Ty wants to run away.

What are you saying Soraya; is there hope for us??

Amy, you and Ty are very normal; most couples have to learn how to have a constructive argument.

But it's late, we can talk later ok; try & get some sleep Amy, and think of all the reasons you love him....

Ok, and thanks Soraya!! You're wonderful!!

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