Chapter - 41

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 41
Old Habits Die Hard
By; mike hurley

In a few minutes, Amy & Ty walked back into the house. It was obvious they were both extremely happy. They sat at the table & had cherry pie & ice cream for dessert. Amy passed the locket around for everyone to see, & Barbara Googled the two brothers who made the locket. She looked at Erik & said;
Honey, I wouldn't mind if you got me one of these lockets!! There's 6 different designs and I like #4......a lot!!

Sure Barbara, maybe we could get it for your combined birthday & Christmas gifts?? Erik replied.

Barbara smiled and softly said to Erik; well, maybe you could get it wrapped up and give it to me in 6 months after I push your 2nd child out of my body. Seems like I should get something for the pain of childbirth....

Erik was suddenly embarrassed by his birthday & Christmas, gift comment & looked at the slight grin on Jacks face!!  Erik whispered to Barbara......I didn't mean it like that.....I'm sorry!!

She squeezed his hand in the secret way he made up when they were dating, it meant.....I love you!!


Sadie crawled into bed & began writing her school essay for Mrs Barlotti. Sadie was excited, she loved to excel in school, plus high grades had benefits. At the end of a semester, her dad have her $ 25.00 for every 'B' grade on her report card. But 'A's earned her $50.00 each. He also 'matched' the amount she earned & put it in her savings account, for college spending money.

Sadie began her

"This summer, I have seen many things that are not visible to our eyes. For instance, I saw leaves swirling in the street, blown around by the invisible wind. Magnetism which we can't see either, helps keeps the clasp on my I-phone closed. Gravity keeps me in my bed at night, while I'm sleeping. I see happiness every morning when my neighbor dog sees me & comes over with her tail wagging to say hi.
Her name is Ruffles. She loves to chase Henrietta the squirrel who lives in a tree in my yard. I think Ruffles and Henrietta are secretly friends, because they like scaring each other.

But, the most exciting thing I've seen evidence of is love. You see, I know love exists because my mom, dad, and my grandma all give me hugs & kisses everyday. I was at my dads office last week and accidentally set the fire alarm off. He told me not to play with the little red fire alarm box, but I just wanted a picture with the handle down. A big fire truck came & 5 firemen and firewomen jumped out. My dad made me go out and apologize to them. But even after that, my dad still loves me. He told me actions have consequences and next Saturday he and I are going to take cookies to the fire station and then we're going to pull all the weeds around the fire station.
I can't see my dads love for me, but it's there for real!!

Then I saw more love, at my house tonight when my friends Amy & Ty kissed, and held hands, Ty gave Amy a special locket so Amy won't ever forget he loves her. They're from Canada and Amy & I went to Target & bought Ty a pair of pajamas in case he sleeps here with Amy sometimes. You see, Amy won't get pregnant if Ty wears pajamas to bed. But my mom is pregnant because my dad forgot to wear his pajamas one night. My mom is happy to be pregnant, I can see her happiness cause she glows. And, I can't see the little baby, but I know it's inside my mom, because her tummy is getting a little bigger every week".

Sadie Trompton
Grade 5
Neil Armstrong Elementary School

Erik brought Sadie a small glass of milk. But first they both knelt beside Sadie's bed and said their prayers together. Sadie crawled into bed & Erik sat on a chair next to her. They were reading a book from the Magic Treehouse Series, together. Taking turns reading 5 pages at a time. Sadie was a good reader and enjoyed changing her voice for each character.
Soon Erik kissed his daughters forehead, and told her he loved her. Sadie wrapped her arms around her daddy's neck & kissed his cheek.

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