Chapter - 38

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 38 / The Promise
By; mike hurley

Amy's hand was in Ty's, he held it tightly; he never wanted to let go. 

Ty, I need you to talk to me; you were quiet all thru dinner. I need to know how you're feeling!!
If my suggestion has upset you, let's not do it.
Ok??  Amy squeezed his hand & waited, they walked 2 blocks & she talked to him again.

You know when Grandpa & I landed in Johnson City, I was quiet, just staring out the window at a country I barely knew. I had only been to the States a couple times. I was scared Ty. I was really scared. You emphatically told me not to come. I came anyways, I had to come Ty. My mind was made up; at a minimum I needed to apologize to you for the whole Blair incident.

I saw Grandpa looking at me with worried eyes; he had no idea what to say to me, but he was by my side Ty. He wanted to come with me, but I was adamant he stay home. A few days before my flight, he secretly bought a plane ticket & the day I flew out, he stood in the airplane aisle & asked if the seat next to me was taken.  I was so ecstatic to see him, I jumped up and hugged him in the aisle.
He's never liked hugs or kisses and I know he cringed with 150 people watching us. But I didn't care, my Grandpa was with me. He told me it was his job to protect his family, to protect me.......and you Ty!! Grandpa came here for you too. He said he needed to be here in case you needed him. He cancelled a big fishing trip with Stumpy to come.

Ty, I feel like we're growing closer, we're getting back to who we were before Blair came. I know we're not engaged, or married, ......or anything. But I think of you as my family.
Is that ok Ty??

Amy gently pulled on his arm & stopped next to a small city park.

Ty stared into the park, but finally looked at Amy & said; yes. I feel the same way Amy. 
I told you once, and I'll say it again now; .....

I'd do anything for you. Even living apart for a while.
I can't bear you moving out.........but I'll do it, .....for you Amy.

Amy watched his eyes fill with tears, but Ty stood tall & grimaced and forced them back.
Ty, you don't always need to be a stoic macho man. I don't mind if you need to cry, it......tells me more of how you feel. Ok??
Most of the time I have no idea how you're feeling about anything. But I need to know Ty,......we're family and I care for you.
Please talk to me.........

Amy reached up and wiped his wet eyes with her fingers. I love you Ty & that will never change..... ever!!  I promise!!!

Amy.......    I think you and Soraya are right; living apart will help us. It will, I know it.
It's just.............

Just what Ty...........

Can we walk to Jenny's for ice cream??
Amy smiled and whispered; of course Ty, let's go......we can be there by midnight.

They walked quietly for a few minutes, then Amy asked Ty........ what's it like to hold a beating heart in your hand Ty?? Is it scary or exciting??

Ty smiled & replied; it's the most amazing thing I've ever done. A beating heart is life personified. It's the main computer, the main everything for a small creature, lying in front of me. A golden retriever named Rex...... I lifted his heart up, so Erik could cut a tumor out.
His heartbeat was steady and calm. I could feel the muscles of the little heart working.
Somehow..........I felt the little heart watching me, trusting me......

He was unconscious of course, but Rex licked my nose just before I put him under. He had a scared but trusting look in his eyes. Our eyes met for a few seconds Amy, and, it's hard to explain, but we connected or almost became friends or something. It was almost like he was my dog.

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