Chapter - 17

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Shattered Dreams 
Chapter 17
'Gone Fishing'
By: mike hurley

Amy & Jack both signed some papers at the Police Station. They said good night to the Officers & headed home; it was 8:15 pm.
Amy didn't feel like talking & Jack could tell. His 7 decades on this earth had given him instincts around women; .......most younger men had no clue.

Are you hungry?? Jack asked Amy as he parked his truck. She stared out the windshield & said; no. I'm just numb Grandpa. I can't believe I called this wrong. I understand horses in subtle ways. People call me a horse whisperer; ........ but I'm not. But I suppose I'm good at reading their body language. Grandpa, you would think after 4 years of knowing Ty, I would know how to understand him. I could read his eyes and his body language, perceive the ways of his heart. But men and so difficult for me to understand.
I just knew he was lying; but Ty never once lied to me or anyone else since he got to Heartland.

Grandpa, I feel like such a fool & I hurt the man I love. I just want to curl up in my bed and stay there. I mean this is embarrassing. Plus will Ty ever love me again; he's changed his phone number to keep me from bothering him.

I have 100 different emotions running through my mind.  Well, he could have handled things differently too, so I suppose we both destroyed our relationship.

I'm going to have to go to him & apologize; .....a friend said I need to be on my knees, asking for forgiveness. But why didn't he yell at me and explode & demand I listen.

Amy...... you need to let go of the past & start picking up the pieces. Learn from the past, but what are you going to do to make things right with him; or have you given up & maybe it's just time to move on, like Ty has?? I'm not telling you what to do, except you can't keep beating yourself up for what happened. Blair holds 90% of the blame, ........her mental condition and all.

Grandpa, I keep going back to what Ty did for me when we found Spartan. He spent all week with me; and you remember the rest. Ty is the kind of man I'm looking for. I found him, lost him, now I need to find him again!! I figure it's like you and your truck, you've fixed that truck a hundred times, when you could have just got a new one. I don't want a new guy; I want Ty.
I love what we had together & we were talking about some day getting married & having a family. Grandpa, I want my children to have Ty as their Papa!! I just know Ty would be an awesome father. Is that silly to think about stuff like that??

No, it would be silly not to Amy!!

But Grandpa, even if I knew his new #, I don't want to call him, I need to find Ty and go to him. That way he'll know how serious I am about our relationship. But, .......

What Amy; what's wrong!! Why are you clenching your fists??  Grandpa, I'm angry at you and Soraya, Caleb, & Ashley. I'm very upset that you won't tell me where he is, his new number, anyway to contact him!!
I'm your Grand daughter!! Shouldn't that count for something?? Don't you love me enough to help me??

Amy!! Let's go inside and talk about this. I'll start a fire, & you make us some tea, ok??
Amy nodded her head yes.
This thing with finding Ty is a very complicated subject; it's not as easy as just giving you his address, ok!!


A light breeze escorted Ty and Ellie as they climbed the Black Rock Trail up Grandfather Mountain; Ty had never seen such beauty. Grandfather was home to 16 distinct ecological communities, and 200 species of birds. It was a virtual outdoor Natural History Museum. Nature had many secrets which the typical hiker paid little attention to. They hiked through a great forest of pines; woodpeckers were busy banging away to find lunch. Robin's tuned every noise out except for worms near the surface. A female Carolina chickadee listened to a potential mate, serenade her from a mile away. Tens of Thousands of Pine & fir trees stood perfectly still in a silent reverence to Him who created them.

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