Chapter - 70

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter - 70're such a man!!
Written by: Mike Hurley

On an all day ride with Spartan and Harley, Ty told Amy what Ellie had done. What his response was, and what Erik said to Ellie. Amy was shocked, but her love for Ty never wavered. She trusted his love completely.
She asked how Barbara had responded to Ellie. Ty told her the little he knew; that Barbara had scolded Ellie and admonished her to make right the trust she had broken.
But Barbara still loved Ellie.
Erik still loved Ellie fiercely. She was his niece and for Erik, family was everything.
He remained a cheerleader of her dreams, when most others dismissed her Presidential goals as immature. But Erik was also very angry at Ellie.
His disappointment led Erik to fire her immediately as Clinic Manager. She would never work for him ever again. But when Ellie was sworn in as Mayor, Erik and Sadie were there to congratulate her.

Amy was quiet all the way up to the Upper Wildflower Meadow. Where she told Ty, she would reply to Ellie in the same way Barbara had replied. With forgiveness and love; coupled with boundaries and hope that someday trust could be restored.

Amy, I was convinced that you'd never talk to Ellie again. And I wouldn't blame you.
But how can you even take a call from her,
after what she did?

Ty.......a month before my mother died, I was trying to understand her relationship with my father. Why she divorced him, why she occasionally still spoke to him on the phone.
Why when he was deathly ill she went to see him and took homemade soup.
So I asked my mom about her feelings.

My mother told me she still loved my father. That sadly he had changed after his injuries and addictions. But she believed in her heart, that the kind man she fell in love with would someday return to her.
She and Grandpa put up boundaries around Lou and I to protect us.
So....... I hope you can understand this Ty but I've decided to use my mom's same recipe of love with boundaries on Ellie.
I feel I'm honoring my mom in doing this.
And I've learned so much from Barbara about life, and love. Barbara is like a mom to me, and I trust her judgement of how to handle Ellie. I'll call and talk to Barbara.
My mom always believed in second chances. I want to be like my mom Ty.
I'm her daughter and I feel forgiving Ellie is what my mom would do.
And I'm proud of you Ty. How you stood up to Ellie and told her you quit your job at the clinic. Your integrity came first.
I'm so proud of you Ty.

Ty & Amy found a perfect picnic spot and ate a quiet lunch. The horses stayed close and grazed. Ty knew Amy's emotions were still in turmoil about Ellie. He gave Amy time to process her emotions and thoughts.
But Ty admired the wisdom in Amy's young heart.

An hour after lunch, Amy pulled the unopened letter from Ty, out of her pocket. Cindy had found it behind the kitchen desk.
Amy asked Ty if she should open and read it, or throw it away. Ty took the envelope with letter inside, that he had written about a year ago. He tore it into pieces and explained to Amy........

.......I was really low when I wrote this.
I was angry, hurt, and devastated.
I had no idea where I should go.
Your Grandpa told me Heartland was my home. That I should always consider it home. And then I lost you and Heartland, and was essentially homeless, with no family like overnight. But, lots has happened since then Amy. We both unknowingly built a way to find each other again. I think your mom would be proud of both of us.
We made lots of mistakes and said hurtful things to each other. But here we are... engaged to be married. We're happy Amy, and this short letter is from the past. We're no longer there. So, there's no reason for you to read it. Let's focus on us, right now.
And I want to know when we can go canoeing so I can see you in that red bikini!!'re such a man. Is that all you ever think about is me in a bikini??
Ty grinned and Amy pounced on him. Tickling Ty till he screamed like a girl!!

They spent a long while in the upper meadow. Just being together and chatting about all the fun they had up at the fishing cabin. But, now on the way home, Spartan and Harley hurried, as a nasty rain storm followed them.
Amy & Ty talked the whole way down, .....well it was actually Amy who did most of the talking.
For Ty had asked Amy what her mom was like.....


The next morning Amy & Ty sat near Security at
'Calgary International Airport'.
Amy was curled up in Ty's lap, gently staring at her engagement ring. Her ear pressed against Ty's chest and listening to his heart.
She couldn't remember ever being happier.

The fingers of her right hand were intertwined with Ty's. Her hand felt so small inside of his. He held her tightly. Amy looked up and smiled at Ty......
"I love you" she softly said. He grinned and kissed her cheek, long and lovingly.
In many ways they already seemed married.
Their love was now resilient enough to weather any storm. Amy no longer fretted about fights; it was apparent to Amy, they could get through them. Neither knew it, but Grandma Lyndy had given them her blessing. Amy felt the ring she gave Ty.
It was Amy's engagement ring he now wore. It reminded Ty of who he belonged to, and the vows he would someday promise her.

No one in their family had ever heard of a girl giving her betrothed an engagement ring. And Amy didn't care that her father told Ty it looked stupid on his finger.
The ring Ty now wore was from Amy's heart. ❤️

They both knew it was past time for Ty to go through Security, then to his gate.
He had school and work tomorrow.
He stood and pulled Amy up. She looked up into his eyes and saw his hidden tears.
For a moment Amy watched him wrestle with his tears......A man does not cry.
She put her hands on his shoulders and stood on his shoes. Amy pulled herself up and kissed his eyes. She tasted his tears and she began to cry.
Ty wrapped his muscular arms around Amy and held her so tightly she couldn't breath.
She wished they had an hour and a private place to make love one last time. Amy had never felt closer to Ty, than the moment he groaned and thrust deeply into her. The grimace on his face told Amy he had just spilled his seed deep into her womb.

What are you thinking about? Ty asked as he took her hand in his and they walked towards security. Amy blushed and whispered into his ear.......I was just thinking of the moment early this morning when you
filled me with your sperm. Ty stopped and kissed Amy deeply. Did that feel good Ty?
When you spilled into me?
Ty lifted Amy up into his arms and kissed her again. Their tongues soon were touching. Ty moaned, he needed Amy so bad. His hands ached to feel her soft breasts, while his loins silently yearned for hers. Ty set Amy down and looked at his watch...... then he said to her;
"Until I take my last breathe I will always love you Amy. Thank you for wanting to marry me!!"

Then he was gone.

Amy sat in a nearby chair and sobbed.
Being separated from Ty was dreadful for Amy.
Her heart had never hurt this bad before.
She turned and saw him in line. Their eyes connected. He blew her a kiss.
Amy caught it and never let it go.....

Written by; Mike Hurley
Edited by; Jim Clark and Ashton Baskette
Based on the CBC TV series; 'Heartland'.

'For their love only grew stronger, never diminishing. But connecting them every moment of every day'.

To be continued.......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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