Chapter - 65

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 65
'Perils of the Promise Ring'
By: Mike Hurley

Ty!!!!!!!   Ty please!!  Don't get mad!!

Get mad!!
Amy, this is the ring I gave you in the back of my truck. You were so happy.  Then we broke up, you got mad and threw it in the barn. The chip is still there!!  See.......right there!!  There!!  See it!!

Ty, I know where the chip is, I've looked at that chip enough times to die.
Could you please not get mad!!

Amy, that damn chip cut my heart, it hurt so bad, I sold the the whole damn ring.  Now you're wearing it to hurt me again!!

You don't understand Ty!!  I would never hurt you!!  Ever!!  I just did something really dumb, can't you understand I made a mistake??

Why.......why do you have it??  I sold it; I don't understand Amy.  Is this some kind of a joke??  Am I a joke to you??  Am I??
That's it!!   I'm a joke to you!!

Ty, please stop!!  You're not a joke.

I'm on course to be a veterinarian.  It's a respected profession, and I'll earn a good salary, enough to support a family.  Our family!!  But evidently that's not good enough for you!!  You got in that policeman's face about kissing me in traffic.
For what!!  This!!
To mock me!!
But why are you crying??  I don't understand any of this Amy!!

Ty!!!!!  Please let me explain!!

Amy, maybe I should fly home.  We need a break to figure this out, maybe we're done!!
I sold this ring on E-Bay to some guy in Vermont or of those small states.
Would you stop crying & talk to me Amy!!
If you want me to leave, I'll go...... right now!!
Last time I was here, you humiliated me; I'm not going through that again.  I'm not sleeping in the Home Depot parking lot!!  Do you understand me!!


Ty started to stand, but Amy reached for his hand, and pulled him back down.
She couldn't stop crying & knelt between his legs, then buried her face into Ty's chest.  Her arms wrapped around his neck; she clung desperately to his collar.
Amy had fretted about their next fight for weeks;
Soraya said every couple has fights, but Amy worried another big fight would derail them.
Amy was determined to explain to Ty what happened, and get them through this.  She set her worries aside, and tried to come up with an explanation, he'd understand.  She had to be perfectly honest with Ty.......

Ty had no idea what was going on; he was terribly upset, his emotions told him to run.
But Ty was not the same man who gave Amy a promise ring in the bed of his pick up.
He had changed.  Ty had matured through circumstances, but more importantly by the love & tutorage of many who cared for him.
Jack, Soraya, Scott, Caleb, Barbara, Erik, Ellie, and Sadie to name a few, all played a part in molding Ty into the kind of man, Amy needed.

Ellie??  You ask; what did she do??  She's a bitch dressed in beauty.  But like a river cuts through rock, Ellie's behavior strengthened Ty's resolve.

Ellie's brash tempting, brought a resolute solidness to Ty's convictions to love only Amy.
Ty desired Ellie, he's a man, and testosterone knows what it wants....... Ellie was more than capable of meeting Ty's needs and then some.  
She was a beautiful young woman, soft in all the places a man desires.
But Ellie's love was shallow and immature.
Ty could not give his seed to Ellie; in his heart, he was saving it for Amy.  Only Amy!!
The more Ellie wanted Ty, the more he wanted Amy.  It was a paradox of love called.....,
Amy & Ty.

Ty desired a girl, though not perfect, who looked outward at the needs of those tossed in the trash.  She sought a new life for endless horses deemed beyond hope.  Amy was their lighthouse; shining bright and beckoning them in.  Every fiber in Ty's being wanted to help
Amy.  To love her, to protect her, and raise a family of their own someday.  Amy was his miracle girl, she loved him and helped turn Ty into a real man. 

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