Chapter - 7

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Shattered Dreams; she wouldn't even say good-bye.

A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 7 /  'Interstate 29'

Amy pulled out of the parking lot of Colossi's donut shop in High River. She turned on the headlights, her turn signal, and turned right for home. It was 6:02, Grandpa always had his first breakfast at 6:30. She stopped at River Ave & waved a lady walking her dog to cross. She returned the smile to the dog walker and turned left. She drove 1 mile, glanced off to the right at Soraya's house where she lived with her parents, between semesters. She passed the High River Graveyard and saw a Troop of Scouts Canada young men, raising the Maple Leaf Flag. They all stood at attention and saluted as the sun ignited the Maple Leaf in brilliance.  Amy watched them turn and look at her, just as she pushed the pedal down at the 80 KPH sign and heard the Chevy 357 growl. New trucks don't growl. Jacks did & his old Chevy truck saluted the flag too. She thought of the Canadian Scouts and her Grandpa. He had never been a Boy Scout but she knew he still acted like one. Doing what's right, being kind, helping others, and believing in a young man who she used to love. She passed the GMC dealership and thought of Ty's old truck. Her hands were right where Ty taught her to place them on the wheel. Amy realized she still practiced his 'good habits' that Ty insisted she memorize, during his driving lessons.  'Amy!! Glide to a stop, don't keep slamming the brakes on!!  Do you start and stop Spartan like that!! You'll burn up my brake pads'.

Amy remembered reaching over & holding Ty's hand momentarily to calm him. Her thumb circling his. Ty didn't say a word while Amy wrote 'I love you' into his palm. Then in a moment, he was off again........ 'Both hands on the wheel, and yes I love you too, not sure if my truck does though'.

She remembered how her hands, touching Ty almost anywhere on his body could calm him. Amy found that so interesting. Almost as if guys were still wired for their mother's touch. A soft touch from a woman could reduce their stress instantly.  But, Amy was fully aware of the few places on Ty's body that turned him on, big time. She could see the look in his eye change to that of a stallion. It was then, that Ty didn't necessarily think with his mind.

She found it interesting also, how just having Ty near her, calmed her nerves and often made her happier. She didn't miss Soraya or Lou like she missed Ty. There was a longing deep in her body that needed him close. Her hand inside his on long walks was something special. Amy remembered when Ty protected her from the cougar in the barn. He was calm & knew just how to keep her safe. When they made out up in his loft, she enjoyed touching Ty in places that her body seemed to awaken. He was a man, and Amy enjoyed exploring every inch of him. It was then, after he was hard and breathing fast, that Ty kissed her in a way that made her heart race. Feeling how he held her, and the power in his body ignited places deep inside her.

Amy liked how Ty seemed to miss her; his whole face lit up when he saw her walking down the driveway from the school bus. Amy grinned when she recalled all the young women who turned to look at Ty. But her hand was in his, and every inch of Ty belonged to her. She enjoyed lots of fond memories of Ty that morning..........

But, as Amy drove past the barn and thought of Blair, she kicked her memories of Ty out of her mind. He was a liar and a cheat who kissed another girl!! His 'word' meant nothing to Amy."

Blair and Ty in the barn with the kiss, Ty didn't have a Clue!!

Amy set a plate in front of Grandpa and served him a warm bear claw. His face lit up as he asked; What did I do to deserve warm donuts?? Amy smiled and hugged him, as she replied; do I need a reason to love my grandfather??  Jack smiled under his mustache and said thank you, as the donut ignited his taste buds and warmed his heart. You're wearing your hair differently this morning. Yup!! I thought maybe that cute Army recruiter guy might be at the shop this morning. He always smiles at me and today he jumped up and opened the door. He had that look in his eye you know when guys want to ask you out, but are too scared. Even Army guys are scared of girls!! Amy giggled!!

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