Chapter - 55

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 55 / '11 Minutes Out'
By: mike hurley

Note: All Shattered Dreams chapters are also available on 'WattPad'


The trail turned west and grew steeper through of grove of dense trees which had formed a network of intertwining branches. Cindy pushed some vines out of her way & added energy to keep up her pace.  It was a place of safety for birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and more. The trees were also marked with the male urine of coyote, wolves, bear and other species who proclaimed this their territory. They would fight to defend their homes, and their claim to mate with females.

Cindy had witnessed a street fight between 2 young men, 3 years ago. It was a horrific scene as each man did whatever he needed to win.  They fought over a girl, who stood nearby in tears, yelling at them to stop. Knives flashed & blood was everywhere. 
The girl ended up refusing to see either of them; a gauge of character is how a man treats his enemies.

Cindy knew some men fight unemployment,
some addictions, and others.....painful memories, or failed relationships.

But Cindy had recently witnessed a fight, right in her own yard.  A fight for the truth, and for a little family that had been ripped apart before it had a chance to become a family.

Caleb O'Dell came armed for battle with a giant teddy bear.  He had the audacity to fight for the truth, his reputation, and integrity.
But more importantly, Caleb O'Dell fought for what was his. A love that had been pulled apart by an overly protective & jealous father.

Only one man had the guts to stand up to her father, but that man refused to punch or harm her father. He simply stood tall and unmovable, like a mighty oak in a summer thunderstorm.

Cindy had no idea there was a man out there who would face insurmountable odds to win back her heart.

A mountain of a man, who got on his knees, pleading for a relationship with Cindy, and their daughter.

A man not afraid of injury or going home defeated. A man tough enough to fight broncs for a living, and spend a cold night on her porch; refusing to leave, until she talked with him.
This was the man Cindy changed her life for.

A new home, new school, new job, new friends......even a new family.
This was enough to make anyone nervous.
But Cindy smiled and was excited to build a new life with Caleb. She wanted another child with him; a real sibling for Maddie.

If someone had to describe Cindy Tingley with one word; it was tenacity. She didn't give up when others fell to the wayside.  Once she made up her mind, nothing was changing it.
She and Amy were very similar.

In a moment Cindy climbed up a steep section of trail, then stopped on a ledge overlooking the Lower Wildflower Meadow.
It was a scene far more beautiful than anything a Rembrandt could have imagined.

Mom!! Cindy whispered to the wind. This peaceful & serene valley reminded Cindy of her mother, working in her flower garden and always having time to hold Cindy.

The majestic, snow topped Canadian Rockies stood as silent sentries. Butterflies, honey bees, and bumble bees buzzed and danced through the immense meadow.  Giant elm lifted their arms in praise to Him, who created this place. Cindy smiled as a gentle wind played a melody as it swam through the fields. The Meadow was a sea of wild flowers and grasses, moving in waves, as the wind harmonized a song it learned millions of years ago.

A honey bee searching for yummy nectars flew right at Cindy, then buzzed around her, following an algorithm of navigation programmed into its mind by the Creator.
The bees tiny brain was the densest brain on the planet. Capable of its own distinct thoughts, memory, navigation, loyalty for its hive, and programmed to die for its Queen.
The tiny brain gave the bee a personality, and an intelligence able to recognize human faces.
To remember those who were gentle, and those who were not.

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