Chapter - 57

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 57
'Kick the door down'                      
By: mike hurley

Amy, you don't understand!!

I think I do Ty!! 

No you don't!!

Amy ran after Ty as he stormed out of the building to his truck.

Ty wait!!  Where are you going!!

I need to punch something......a tree maybe!!
I should have beaten the crap out of that kid.

Ty....stop!!  Please talk to me!!

Amy grabbed Ty's arm and spun him around; she looked up into his eyes.......

Ty!!  We need to talk this out!!  We can't afford another Argument!!  You look really upset!!

In the middle of the parking lot, Amy pulled Ty close. She stood tall as an oak and wrapped her arms around him. 
It was Amy's turn to comfort Ty.....
This was the man who built her a jumping course.....

It's ok Ty!!
It's ok!!
We're together!! No matter what happens, we're together.  I'm where I'm supposed to be.....with you honey!! 
It's ok Ty....... let's go sit on that bench, and we'll figure this out!!

I need to get out of here!!

Can't you give me, .....give us......a few minutes??
I mean you beat Elliot up in under a minute!!
I'm sure Barbara won't care if you're gone an hour!!

...I don't want people to see me upset!!

No ones going to see you, and if they do, I really don't care!! 
Ty......a man shouldn't be afraid to express his feelings!!

Where'd you hear that from??

I didn't hear it anywhere Ty.  It's just how I think  a man should.......conduct himself.

What do you know about being a man!!
Ty asked with big eyes as he stared at Amy.
You have no idea what it's like to be a man.
I wanted to smash that kids face in and kick him in the........

Ty.......stop & listen to yourself!!
Elliots just a kid; my mum offered you a second chance, Clint stood up to that judge & fought for you.
Maybe that's what you did for Elliot.
You payed it forward.  No charges were pressed; hopefully he learned a lesson.
You're a kind man Ty; I love that in you!!
And you're right Ty, I don't know what a man thinks or feels day to day. Except men get to make out with pretty girls on the
Space Station......

This isn't funny Amy!!
I don't like my feelings being trifled with!!

I'm not trifling Ty, I just wanted to diffuse.....
Just forget're mad & you won't tell me why!! You're a typical man!!

Would a typical man go to jail for you Amy!!!

Ty.......I'm sorry I said that!!  You're not a typical man!!  I love you!!
Ty, all I know about being a man, I've learned from my grandfather.
He's a kind man, but he protects his family & took care of us. Being a rancher is a tough life.
But my grandpa faced life head on, he kept going when blizzards & disease wiped out half his herd.  I've seen my grandpa cry.
But Ty, I'm trying to figure out what I did to upset you.

When did you ever see Jack cry?? 

When my Grandma Lyndy died.  She was his soulmate.  I was just a little girl; seeing him cry scared the hell out of me. But he buried her &
kept going for me & Mom, and Lou.
I'm certain he's cried a lot, alone in his bedroom at night......just him and Grandma's picture.

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