Chapter - 66

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 66
'Learning curves & meadows'
By; Mike Hurley


Harley walked to the pasture's west fence & stared.  His ears moved, like a Trilinear antenna on a 'Klingon Bird of Prey'.   Every time the wind shifted to the west, Harley knickered excitedly & was happy; he had missed them both.
Now he was certain they were a pair again;
stallion & mare.  Hearing their voices made any day a perfect day for Harley.

Harley knew enough about human affection to realize they were a pair.  Just like nature could sprout an acorn, and drive its trunk 100 feet high, and its tap root 100 feet deep.  Nature had a way of bringing 2 creatures together, and intertwining their roots.  2 humans who loved each other could weather many storms & emerge stronger.......together. 

Fierce & relentless winds strengthen oak trees, and their trunks become solid as concrete.
Tough times build a strong foundation between a man & woman.........

Amy & Ty's differentiator was a love that refused to quit.  It stayed alive during Hurricane Blair.
It hoped when there was none.
It was persistent during Ellie's temping.
It remembered a dream of a little girl named Lyndy.
Its relentless searching brought it to
North Carolina.  It spent time on the
Space Station, and walked across the moon.

Its resolve was as resolute as
Abraham Lincoln's grip on democracy.

And right now, in the lower meadows of Heartland Ranch, Amy & Ty's love was the strongest it had ever been.
They walked slowly in a river of glorious wildflowers.
Honeybees, hummingbirds, and butterflies were their escorts.  Amy & Ty were silent and held hands.
Their hearts communicated, in secret ways known only to Him.
Spartan followed them & occasionally dropped his head for a yummy clump of grass.

Ty stopped & reached down to pick a wild white daisy for Amy.  She smiled and held nature's little beauty to her nose.  Her smile at Ty took his breath away.......Amy was gorgeous.
Her countenance began to glow, and Amy's inner beauty was revealed to Ty. 

He stared as if looking upon the face of an angel for the very first time.  Amy was beyond beautiful in ways only Ty could perceive.  He knew her better than anyone!!
For the very first time, their souls touched.  Their destinies had merged. 
Their love was now invincible.

Barbara once told Ty, that Amy was perfect for him........." Ty, Amy was made for you, be careful with her feelings".

A whiff of wind blew Amy's hair, as she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him again, long and passionately. Her hand clung to his collar, Ty felt the curves of her hips and inhaled the pretty scent of her beautiful blond hair.  Amy felt him rising for her and had no interest in moving away.  Her soft breast's pressed into Ty's muscular chest.  Testosterone poured into Ty's bloodstream, as his arms wrapped tightly around Amy's waist.  Amy silently sighed; she had never felt more loved.  More safe and protected.  Ty was her knight; ready to die protecting her.

Ty!!  Amy whispered as she touched her nose to his.  They both giggled as Spartan shoved his nose in between them & exhaled.
Amy kissed her horse & said;
Ty...... did you know Spartan and I were going to win the fall finale, that first year you were here??

Amy watched Ty's eyes as he softly replied;
Amy, and Spartan looked stunning together. You shared a synergy & love for each other.  Yes, I knew you were going to win!!
And it was so cool.........
Ty abruptly stopped and looked off into the forest, a silence overtook him.

Amy saw his eyes glaze over just for a second, she touched his cheek with her soft hand.
Tell me Ty; ......what were you going to say??
Are you ok; I mean it looked like you were going to cry or something!!

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