Chapter - 53 -

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 53 /  DeadMan Gap Pass
By: mike hurley
How do I look??

Beautiful enough to stop a man's heart!!
Is that a new bra?? 

Yes, I tried on a dozen before I found this one. It's really comfortable.

I'm guessing you bought it for Tom, and comfort was secondary??
It makes you look.......2 sizes bigger.

Soraya blushed and whispered; I see him looking at my boobs a lot.
I bought it yesterday.
I figured I'd provide him some nice looking scenery.
You know how guys are.

Yup, he's a man.  They have appetites.  They're always staring at some part of a woman's anatomy.

That sounds creepy!!
Tom's not like that mom!!  He just enjoys what he's sees!! 

Don't they all!!  Maggie said with a grin.
Well, regardless, you look gorgeous!!

Thank you!!
I've got my bag packed for a couple nights....

Are you prepared for his reaction to your
'scenery'??  He's a man you know. They have needs, and your new bra is going to ignite his.

Mom!!  Of course I am. I started on birth control last week.
I want to sleep with him.  I know he's ready too.
We're both ready for that next step.

Well, don't trip on the steps.....


Oh honey...... I'm happy for you and I'm scared of losing you!!

Mom!!  Don't be a drama queen!! You're never going to loose me!!
I'm your daughter and nothings going to change that!!  I love you!!
You know that right!!?

Soraya saw tears fill her mother's eyes.
She leaned down and hugged her mom.

It wasn't long ago, I was changing your diapers.......

Mom!!  You're going to make me cry!!
I'll always be your little girl!!

Are you nervous Soraya??  Sleeping with a guy is a huge step.. This is your first time right??

Well, yes and no.  I slept with a guy freshman year of college. I was new to college & scared.
I thought he loved me; he was very comforting.
But the sex part was a bad idea.
It lasted all of 30 seconds. We slept together that one night, then broke up in the morning.
It was obvious he wanted to date me for one reason.  And he had no idea how to.....

Men!!  I could kick them some days!!

Mom, they're not all like that. Lots of guys are gentlemen......just like Tom. He opens doors for me.......he makes me feel special.

He is a nice man......

I told myself years ago, I'd never spin out of control over a guy...... but here I am.
How can a man cause a woman to.......
think about him all day long!!

Soraya, there were a million things they never taught me in cooking school about working in a restaurant kitchen.
The same applies to love; when you actually fall in love with a're heart is woefully unprepared.
They can be adorable one minute & act like 10 year old boys the next....
Honey, just be careful; take a breath every day and see what he's made of.  How strong is his foundation. 

What do you mean mom??

Soraya, when tough times come, and they will.....
is he still walking beside you, or does he turn tail and run. What if you get pregnant??
Is he a man, and takes care of you??
Or is he a coward who runs away.

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