Chapter - 39

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 39 / The Locket
By; mike hurley

Ty said good by to the student he was tutoring; he had made $60.00 cash this afternoon tutoring 3 students for an hour each, in calculus & statistics. He left school &  and headed downtown to buy Amy a locket; he still wasn't sure which one. He needed to say he loved her and was sorry for the raw and unromantic first time sex. He needed his punishment to end and Amy to move back home.

Ty wasn't quite ready to give Amy his promise ring again. It was all happening so fast; he needed to be certain Amy had changed. But Ty was very close to giving her the ring, but not quite.

He knew, and was certain,  she would love the locket, whichever one he bought.

Ty turned onto Jefferson Ave & suddenly had an idea to help him decide which locket to buy.
He turned around and headed toward the new Boone Therapeutic Riding Center.

Ty was a man & couldn't easily put his feelings into words.  He needed a locket to help Amy understand what she meant to him......absolutely everything.


Ty sat high in the stands, in a dimly lit corner; he watched her. She was beautiful, but the kindness she used to relax nervous students and horses, .......made her even  prettier. Ty stared at Amy's long blond hair, and her gorgeous smile. He could look at her by the hour. Before their first kiss, Ty dreamed of being Amy's boyfriend, holding her hand, keeping her safe, and kissing her.......
He desperately wanted to kiss Amy.

Ty closed his eyes and listened to Amy's pretty voice...... Good morning, my name is Amy, I'm from Canada, & I'm here to help each of you bond with your horse. You and your horse will become a team; trusting each other, and communicating in subtle ways.......

All the student & horses watched her like an orchestra watches the conductor. She made them laugh, smile, and relax. They trusted her.

When the session was over Ty saw the love in the students eyes for her.  Roberto, the seeing impaired young man hugged Amy, then asked to touch her face. He carefully felt her nose, cheeks, eyes, and forehead. His fingers drew a picture in his mind. He was just 9, but later told his mother, Amy's pretty and kind, and she understands kids!!

A young girl told Amy; I wish my sister was just like you!!

Ty grinned, and watched Amy blush and smile, he knew at that moment; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. She was the same girl he fell in love with 4 years ago, but now even prettier.
Ty called the sales lady and told her which locket he wanted to buy.


Ty's thoughts wandered as he drove downtown.

He told Amy he would be by between 6 and 7:30. Ty knew Amy would not approve of his new part time job. It cut into their time, and his evening homework. But on his first day of tutoring, Ty was happy with his $60.00 cash.

He loved a girl & his future with her was just as important in Ty's mind as a doctorate in Veterinary Sciences.

Ty sat at a red light, & his mind proceeded into a daydream.

.......They sat on the little swing in Barbara's flower garden, behind the private walls of her grapevines. The two lovers were hidden in a romantic setting; seen only by dancing fire flies, and the One who created them.

It was late, Sadie was asleep, Erik & Barbara were cuddling in their bedroom, and Barbara's mom was on the phone talking to her sister in Hawaii. They both were knitting the same sweater pattern.

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