Chapter - 26

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Shattered Dreams
'You're breaking up with me'??
Chapter 26 / By; mike hurley

Ellie was sound asleep, curled up in Ty's lap; he stared at the flashing light on the wing. His gaze changed to moonlit clouds floating by below and scattered city lights that flickered like the memories in his mind. Raindrops suddenly skated across the windowpane, & turbulence buffeted the Learjet. He heard the twin jet engines increase power & felt the 8 passenger jet climb. The pilots request to climb to 50,000 feet was approved. In several minutes they soared above a swirling thunderstorm. But the winds of indecision still churned in Ty's mind.

He pulled the Bombardier Aerospace safety card from the seat pocket. General Electric Jet engines were the power plant. Garmin G5000 Navigation System. 535 mph top speed, 51,000 foot ceiling, 2000 mile range. Certified to cross the Atlantic & Pacific oceans. Made in USA, by the Canadian company: Bombardier.

In moments it seemed they were flying on silk; smooth & quiet as they headed toward North Carolina. Ty Googled 'LearJet 75' and quietly swore as he saw the $14 million price tag. 2 pilots. Safety record was impeccable.
He wondered who had 14 million dollars laying around to buy a private jet. Plus pilots salary & expensive fuel & maintenance.

Ty would never see $14 million in his entire life.
He looked at Ellie asleep in his lap. Her great grandmother owned the jet. Ty looked at his hands,...... he was a simple man who drove an old truck that had duct tape holding the air cleaner together. He wondered what he could contribute to a family of millionaires. Would they look down on him. He was learning to operate on horses and small animals. While Ellie's family flew around the world.

He knew Barbara and her mother had turned their backs on the family riches and lived simple lives with ordinary people. Barbara married Erik, a brilliant but simple veterinarian, who bought a practice in a small town. But Barbara was different than most women. She followed her own compass and loved Erik more than he would ever know. She valued integrity, kindness, and hospitality to complete strangers. Even Ty's best friend from Australia;
Shane was invited every Sunday to Erik & Barbara's family dinner. They treated Shane like family. Ty wanted a girl like Barbara; she chewed his ass for being mean to Amy, but Barbara loved him like a brother.

Suddenly Ty saw Amy in his mind. She stood on the wing, smiling at him. Amy's smile could melt steel. She was gorgeous; her petite young body could stop any man in his tracks. Her breasts were soft & filled his hands. Why did he loose her. Ty sighed. Life wasn't fair, but time kept pushing him down life's roads. He didn't own a Garmin G-5000 to navigate the complexities of women, their emotions, and ever changing moods.

He needed a woman in his life, but had no idea how to understand their complex & ever changing emotions.

He saw his promise ring on Amy's finger; why was she wearing it?? It made no sense to him. Yet another black hole of female emotions Ty would never fathom.
Women were as lovely as the rings of Saturn, yet as unpredictable as the suns magnetic fields.

He looked at Ellie again. She was beautiful, she adored Ty, yet she was beginning to lead him down roads he wanted to avoid. Was Abraham Lincoln the last simple man to live in the White House?? But what about Andrew Jackson, or Harry Truman?? Ty knew little about American history except for naming off many of America's presidents.

Ellie's family was far from simple. Ty had no interest of flying on Air Force One except perhaps learning the horse power of her massive engines or the secret air to air missiles she carried. He had surgeries to preform, some on stray & unwanted animals.

He had to end this now........

Ty closed his eyes and drifted back to a memory a few years ago.......

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