Chapter - 60

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 60
The Whippoorwill
By; Mike hurley

Hi!!  I'm glad you're home!!

I love you!!  How are the twins??

Ornery like you!!
You look tired honey. 

I am, it was a 14 hour day, but, I was home in time to tuck Sadie in. 

I think we might need to hire a temp office manager.  I can't manage the clinic from home anymore; it's awkward, plus by 2:00 I'm tired.

I wouldn't want your job; managing people is a headache.

Well a temp manager could jump right in, and even do payroll.

Barbara, I don't want some stranger running our business.  We get some hard ass in's not good for our people.
There must be someone we know and trust.
I wish Ellie was here.

She's never managed people!!

She wants to be President!!  She'd better learn!!

Erik please!! I'm trying to have a serious conversation!! Ellie is never going to be President and you know it!!

No!!  I don't know that Barbara!!
Ellie is young, & brash, but with age comes wisdom and temperance.  She's the most determined person I know, and I want to sleep in the White House some day with you!!
.......You're blushing!!

You silly man!!

Can we think about it Barbara, maybe Johnny knows someone.

That's a good idea Erik.
But I need to talk to you about Sadie.

Is there a problem??

She's a social butterfly!!

Like you Barbara!!  Erik grinned.

Yeah that's right & I'm the one who asked you out!!

I asked you out!!  Home room,  3rd hour!!

Yeah but I got your attention!!

I noticed you months before!!

And what did you notice Doctor??

You're smile & how pretty you are!!

I love you Erik!!

I love you too Babe!!

Erik, ....Sadie has never missed a day of school for illness since she started 1st grade.
She gets straight 'A's, does her chores without complaining, and has been quite responsible with taking care of her new dog.

So what you're saying is she takes after me??

Barbara grabbed her slipper & threw it at him, with a grin.

What I'm saying is she has been begging me to let her go shopping tomorrow afternoon with Amy & mom.  I've been telling her no; she can't miss school.  I've never heard of anything so ridiculous, missing school to go shopping!
She was crying tonight just before you came home. She's afraid to ask you, cause she's convinced you'll be upset right out of the gate!!
The worst thing in her world, is when you're mad at her.

I don't know why, I'm often not that good of a father.

I disagree Erik!! You've always listened to Sadie & treated her like a person; not just your kid, like many parents do.  She adores you!!

Erik smiled at Barbara & replied;  your glass has always been half full. You see the best in me and everyone else!!
That's one reason I married you!!

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